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Old 22-02-2019, 10:37 PM
Sojourner2013 Sojourner2013 is offline
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The Spiritual Dance of the Narcissist and the Sensitive

This post is a continuation of the topic brought up in my post “A Riddle from Spirit” that addresses NPD. I try not to use psychological terms, as I find that layman terms work better for all.

The first premise of this post is my belief that:

You attract who you are, not who you want

Meaning, your vibrational energy will gravitate/attract the same vibrational energy. If you like who you attract, great!! If you don’t, you may want to take some time for self-analysis.

Let me explain: a common complaint (by either gender, doesn’t matter) goes as such: "I always attract cheaters (people who cheat on me behind my back)."

Cheaters are seeking an external source to resolve a dissatisfaction within self. They will seek a solution via someone outside of the relationship to dissipate/resolve a discontentment that they believe is not being fulfilled through the partner.

Now apply the idea that you attract who you are, not who you want.

So, you say “Well, I’m not a cheater. I’m loyal and would never cheat on my partner.” But maybe you’re not that kind of cheater (seek out people outside the relationship) but you’re a shopaholic. You use the purchasing of clothes, jewelry,etc to deal with your discontentment.

Both partners, upon scrutiny, are being dishonest about their feelings of dissatisfaction or not dealing appropriately with their emotions. Voila, you attracted who you are.

Now, apply this to the Narcissist and Sensitive dynamic. Note: I use the term Sensitive as an Empath who doesn’t know they are an empath.

The Narcissist is the walking wounded, bleeding continuously from an organ called Self-esteem which they don’t know how to stop the bleeding and they continually attack anyone who accidentally or intentionally touches the wound.

The Sensitive is also lacking in self-esteem, but shows it in different ways such as seeking approval, acceptance and reliance through what they believe to be selflessness. They sense the same need in the Narcissist for acceptance.

Both are lacking self-esteem. Both are seeking solutions external to Self through relationships. Typically, you will see the dynamic of the Narcissist and the Depressed/Suicidal person. Why? The Narcissist is keen on picking up weaknesses in others and has figured out that the Sensitive wants acceptance. The Sensitive views the Narcissist as having self-esteem in spades and initially will admire their confidence and magnetism. Until things start to get real.

Then you begin to see the Spiritual Dance.

The Narcissist is seeking healing. The Sensitive is seeking validation and acceptance. Yet, neither knows on a conscious level what they see in each other. On a spiritual level, the Narcissist wants the Sensitive to heal him/her. The Sensitive wants to heal, but in the only way they currently know how—empathy, selflessness.

So, the Sensitive (because they are not yet aware of their healing abilities) will rescue the Narcissist from their pain by taking/absorbing their hateful behavior and antics, hoping that it will help the Narcissist feel better. Typically I will see that a person suffering from depression has simply absorbed others' energies (sadness, depression, etc) unknowingly but take it as their own feelings because they don't know they are an empath.

The Narcissist gives it to them (hate, anger, etc), hoping to feel better. But it doesn’t get better, it gets worse. Until both parties give up or one, somehow, breaks away.

The energetic bonding is deep because the wounds are deep. For both parties. Until someone decides to grow which will require courage and strength to ask for help, professionally or spiritually.
Speak a word for thy ideal. Not as to force an issue but ever constructive. --Edgar Cayce

Hope is praying for rain; Faith is bringing an umbrella
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