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Old 01-05-2012, 04:54 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, structure, patterns and movement are all part of the mind constructs of physical reality, but these are not solid. It is mind that holds it all together as

form. Creative thought is what makes up the formless into the idea of form. Idea is what makes tangible that which is light. Just as your dreams at night, are formed

around an idea and then play out as a reality, so too is your life based on idea and played out. Each dimension has its own structure according to the belief attached

to that structure and the idea behind it. So reality is movement or expression of the form "idea", yet all is born of stillness, the infinite void that holds the energy of

creation. Your spirit creates the circumstances that are needed for your growth and expansion. The spirit "source" is infinite knowledge and it provides the mirror that

reflects back to you what you most need to learn. Can you see life is pure intelligence, and there is no room for mistakes, it all has a specific purpose that unfolds in

each fragment as a reflection of the whole? Your science, has yet to open the door to infinite knowledge, because awareness is still centered in the finite mind without

the acceptance of spirit as the source of all knowledge. The finite mind tries to compartmentalize what cannot be held in a limited idea. When humanity learns the

truth of the spirit or source, and acknowledges it is powerless without source, then the ageless secrets of nature and energy will be revealed and a whole new idea

based on unity will reveal the unlimited expansion of love as the source of all and will unlock finite awareness to infinite awareness, beyond space and time. One can

only perform in its beliefs and will not move forward until that belief is expanded beyond limitation. It is at this point that the structure of belief can be fully released

and then just experience as an expression of source. This of course, is a progression and is realized in steps. One will experience on a whole different level once belief

is cast away as limited perception. Here dear ones, are where miracles are born, because one who holds the awareness of the all is creating as fully conscious, and

these creations are instantaneous, there is no need of form, as consciousness is idea. Here one has graduated from creating in by idea, then using the energy in form

to create, to idea, beyond the construct of form. Consciousness arises from the stillness which is who you are, the infinite void that is the source of all expression.

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