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Old 07-07-2011, 07:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Chrysaetos
Tweet..! It was not covered in feathers! Those pictures were bird poop and it looked like a monkey sitting on a twig (monkey according to my own mental matrixing process).

Summerland, none of the ''disbelievers'' here are disrespectful.. What is offensive IMO is what you wrote above.
And as said, this is a thread in a normal subforum. It is not the sanctuary or a ''myspace'' thread.

Amethyst invites us to discuss this.. look at the pictures she posted that contained arguments and questions..!!
Exactly! I spot the pareidolia phenomena as well. With that, there is no disrespect at all, but disagreement..

You seem to have forgotten that I was here before. And I saw the way that you reacted to anything outside norm. I was on the receiving end of many of your comments and ridicule as were others. And a lot of mockery in veiled jabs, just this side of not being abusive. All so innocent sounding. As I have said before, if someone doesn't have an interest in a thread (subforum)then simply leave it be. Done here again for a while.
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