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Old 14-02-2018, 12:50 PM
Raziel Raziel is offline
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How would you define your belief system & why?

Now I tried this once before and a gremlin wouldn't stop throwing the question back at me.

But I am gentle, brave gallant & bold so bring it ...!

Spirituality is an odd thing, as much as people seem to need something, it is hard to pin down.

It is your personal relationship with the universe, which as much as people place themselves into the ready made brackets is still pretty specific to you.

The question is how would you guys define it all if it was laid out as the below, I'm thinking of the G.I Joe model here & I will go first.

If you don't wish to answer then please just enjoy without subverting the thread - all are welcome, even gremlins as long as they are honest.

Name: knight of Lenity
Location: United Kingdom (from birth)
Deity: I believe in something beyond our comprehension, the father notion is too simplistic for me.

Religion: None - everyone is fallible yet often the masses lap up instructions on how to be more like (insert master/leader) someone else.

Belief system:
I believe in taking responsibility for your own actions & keeping an eye on others. Kindness comes in many forms but I feel that guilt & unbreakable rules are damaging when enforced via a heavy hand.

I accept that my actions or choices are my own & give no excuses, if there is a day of judgement or life review at the end of it all I will hold my hands up.

I will state on that day however, that the "correct path" hidden amongst so many others is very unfair.

Things I admire in others: Dedication & commitment. Honesty (inwards & out)

What do you hope to gain via your belief system? Clarity I guess. I have seen many religious men revealed to be monsters. I see contradiction & paradox in religious practice or lifestyle.

I do believe in goodness & it must come from somewhere. I'd rather do all I can to stay closer to it than the alternative - even if it means going it alone.


"I am your creation.
Now, as before - you criticise your own work."

- Legacy Of Kain

Last edited by Raziel : 14-02-2018 at 06:12 PM.
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