Thread: Weird Chair
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Old 16-01-2018, 03:24 PM
Lolly Lolly is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 547
Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
my impression is that you were viewing your present life circumstances from
a higher self perspective. at present, there's nothing on the screen to
view (i take it that you're in a 'transitional phase', and have yet to determine
what your life's focus is to be at this time). the things that kept falling from
above might be 'parcels of spiritual light' that you've been provided so as to
incorporate them into your story.
will is a magnetic force which can attract those parcels into forming a picture
which you will be pleased to observe.

Yes, I’m in the transitional phase of a great big shake up that started well over a year ago and seems to be coming to some kind of conclusion thankfully. So, so, so, so true that I have yet to determine what my life’s focus is to be right now, spot on, thank you H:O:R:A:C:E

Originally Posted by django
An authentic psychic sees things on a screen much like the screen you describe. Initially they might see short flashes but as they develop they will see what could be described as video footage of multiple layers of the body ie. physical through to subtle energy layers.

To develop this ability a lot of work has to first be done on the two nadis (ida and pingala) that connect to the vision centre or ajna chakra where the screen is, which remind me of the two ropes of your swing. Your consciousness is squarely supported on the swings seat, and the work you need to undertake is from this level at this particular moment in time, I've pasted a reference to thighs below, but the whole article I got this quote from also has a pretty good take on the energy body setup in general.

This is so weird. Sometimes when I close my eyes I see a blank, black screen with a white rim around it but never thought anything of it other than, ‘why am I seeing that.’ I’ve never thought too much about it and forgot about it until this post. I didn't even connect it in reference with my dream. I’ve never seen anything on the screen but I’ve seen images in my mind that are like seeing proper photos of things that come in a split second flash, I get those when meditating usually at the point of quieting my mind before what I call my ‘nothingness’ phase which I’ve never gone past.

This screen that I see only started about 2 months ago, I’ve never had it before that. I see deep purple colour visuals any time I close my eyes which only happened when I was meditating. I now see them when I close my eyes to sleep or even blink. I also see flashes of gold/white (mixed) light when in darkness as I blink and for about 3 weeks I’ve occasionally had them when I blink in daylight too. Just lately over the past week when I settle to go to sleep I get a loud wooosh or a static like buzz that only lasts about 2 seconds each time but it seems to be getting more frequent. It first started in the ‘nothingness’ phase of meditation surprisingly which is not normal for me.

Thank you django, very interesting and thank you for the info

Originally Posted by Perfection
the dream is saying that The Angel God is sitting in a suspended chair at your lower torso & watching your life on a screen. God's arms are where your thighs are & your clothing goes over God's arms as well. Also poop falls onto God when you go to the toilet. It is a common message from God to the mortal. It helps if you remove all your garments if you can when visiting the bathroom. This gives God space to get out of the way. God is The Tree of Eternal Life & you are sitting on its flower. The flowers are living extensions of God. The Egyptians showed flowers from The Tree of Eternal Life being put up everyone's butts & that is because they understood we all are connected to the Tree of Eternal Life at the butt. Hindus say the first human was born inside a flower growing from God. God is a plant, (The tree of Eternal Life). It is saying it is hanging on your butt & watching your life from there.

Fascinating interpretation Perfection and as ever wonderful images. I feel a little bad that we poop on God
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