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Old 26-04-2012, 12:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by iolite

It doesn't matter if anyone else believes you or not. Just continue on what you're doing. I would love to hear about your experiences.

BTW... If astral projection is all in the mind, then how come I've seen my cat's astral bodies on more than one occasion? I've reached down to stroke my cat Max on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and as my hand reaches to stroke the curled up sleeping cat, my hand goes right through him. I woke up one night to find my cat Augie ready to climb up on the nightstand. I reach over to pick him up before he knocks everything over and he starts to dissolve from the back legs up. These are just a couple of experiences I have had seeing my cats in astral form. Every time I am fully awake.

A skeptic from the website I stay at would say you are hallucinating and need medical help... I am gunna say "wow" you should try improve on this ability and see if you can sense human spirits as well. If you can do that then we can certainly have many great adventures together and break my intermediate state of beliefs :)

Good luck!
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