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Old 11-10-2019, 12:47 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Originally Posted by Aknaton
My little understanding is that man is spirit, soul and body; a multi-dimensional being. Love/Light, Life and Truth though they are three different things, are to be considered as one. I will use the term Light to refer to Love/Light. This is as far as I have learned from the Holy Spirit, I am still learning and this at all isn't a complete teaching.

I will start with the spirit which is that which is from the divinity of the formless God and is our core identity. It is the core and seed of our beingness.
The spirit's nature is Light and Consciousness as far as I know. The abode of spirit is within God and His creative realm/Heaven.
* For one whose spirit is connected to God's Spirit, they're spirit transmits Light and Consciousness.
** For one whose spirit has not been connected to God through His Spirit; for one whose seed is not nourished by the River of Living Water that springs from God, then they're spirit transmits only consciousness in the absence of Light.

The Soul we know is the suit of the spirit. As we know that the spirit's nature is Light and Consciousness, coming from the formless God, the spirit though appearing in form, is fundamentally formless. Therefore, it requires a suit of sorts to contain the Light and Consciousness of the spirit, and the spirit transmits Light and Consciousness in and through this container or lens, which we call the Soul.
The Soul can appear in heaven, but is correctly a suit that enters into the realm of creation/earth/universe. The creative nature of the spirit manifests firstly as a living soul, it's life being the Light that is its nature. And the cosmos/realm of creation/earth/universe is both form and subtle within a formless space.

The Soul transmits Light and Consciousness into various bodies which include the Physical, astral, mental, causal and akashic/ethereal; these only being the planes I have accessed. If there are more dimensions beyond these, I have not yet been to them, and will keep this post as practical as possible as per my limited experience and exposure. I hope Jesus Christ can allow me to access those beyond the Akashic/Ethereal regions.

The Light that is in the spirit comes from the Creator and this Light supplies the core nature of the spirit. Light must go with Consciousness, and it is with Light that we can see through Consciousness and identify ourselves as Conscious sparks of Light, which is our core identity. In the absence of Light, Consciousness seeks to cling to a centre point and looks for it outside the essential identity of spirit.

Adam exercised his creative Light through the Soul and through the manifestions of Soul through the various bodies. Even the Physical body; physical body is just a dense subtle body, more denser and more illusory than the other bodies. The physical body is real, but spiritual gravity would have it that the higher one goes up the various bodies, the more real consciousness experiences are. And physical gravity has it that the lower one is, the more the pressure and denseness; these are some of the laws. And here we see how ego is formed in denseness.

The Soul that does not have this Light but only can transmit consciousness causes the Soul to look for a centre point, and the laws would eventually find the Soul identifying itself in the lowest and densest bodies. Because the Soul still has the spirit and this is knowledge that indeed the Soul is a god and creator in its own right, because of the absence of Light (which is life for the spirit), the spirit is inactive and cannot channel it's characteristics and attributes through Soul, and the centre of identification literally drops down to the physical body. The knowledge of Soul that it is a piece of God mixes with the identification somewhere within the Physical body, and yields a corruption of sorts, which we call Ego, formed under the denseness of the Physical reality, and the most illusory and densest of the bodies becomes the most real with regards to conscious experience and beingness.

The Soul having Light knows it's essential divinity, that it indeed is a spark from the Great Essence, an "I am" from the "I AM". But because of the absence of Light, the Soul cannot see upon its own waters the reflection of spirit (the image of God if and only if it is Light-filled which is essentially one with God) and the waters are dark, it's surrounding is dark, and it accepts only the knowledge that it is divine, yet seeking to assemble its own makeshift "identity" to support this knowledge. True, the Soul is divine, but the spirit is uncreated whilst the Ego is created... And we see a fallen Adam & Eve looking for leaves to "cover-up they're nakedness".

And rather than the spirit leading and impressing upon the lower realities as the centre of our consciousness, the Ego in the physical reality becomes the leading point influencing even our higher realities. The lower we go in the conscious scale, the more limitations we are exposed to, and these physical limitations bleed into our higher realities further corrupting the Soul.
e.g. We see ourselves eating in dreams and falling from heights in dreams, when there is no law of physical sustenance & physical gravity in the other subtle realms that are governed by other laws native to that specific plane.

I sincerely hope this sheds a little light in as far as this topic is concerned.

And this makes sense, as we see yogis applying "tapasya" to lift up the centre of consciousness towards higher realms until they realize that they are Soul projecting multiple realities in various realms. Now, they are a Conscious Soul/Highly realized/Enlightened... But not awakened. Those that still dwell as a Soul at whatsoever level of Conscious-centering they are at, only realize that the world is a dream of sorts; an illusion if you like, and they continue in this dream dreaming over and over again.

In the Way, the Spirit lifts us up, and our centre of consciousness is lifted beyond Soul into the spirit which is in the Soul and at the same time in the Creator, and brings down that which is Divine into the lower realms regardless of whatever attainment they have reached in the realization of self. But one comes eventually, through the leading of the Spirit that they are a Living Soul. The Soul that has received the Light is awakened. When the Sun rises, we know that it is morning, and this Morning is the True Reality.
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7
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