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Old 20-05-2017, 04:07 AM
SaturninePluto SaturninePluto is offline
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Hi Greenluv,

Hope This finds you well and on your way in moving past your difficulties already.

I have read many a thread in many a forum of those who feel under psychic attack.

Now, after saying this, realize this is how I myself and I can only speak for myself deal with such thoughts and feelings as "I feel, think or perhaps I am under psychic attack".

How I deal with it when these feelings arise Is I Laugh! I laugh to the moon and back, and that is not to discredit anything either. That is not to say what anyone is currently thinking, feeling, and experience is in any way false or wrong or untrue.

But, when I do find myself thinking and feeling such thoughts, I honestly laugh at myself. Not out of any hatefulness or to poke fun, but to indeed relax. I laugh to bring joy back into my world when I feel fear. I laugh to keep my sense of humor which I indeed plan to keep right through very old age. I laugh to enjoy my life and to inspire others to release, let go, and relax themselves and give themselves a much needed rest and break from hardship as well.

I think of psychic attack often enough. Never though have I had someone come into my life and have had anyone said they sent me a nightmare or psychically attacked me or attached to me in some way. I do know what I would do and tell them if they did though. First I would laugh in their face in spite of them, and then my answer to them would be simple- Go ahead! Go ahead and astral project yourself to me night after night after night. I will survive and simply continue to exist in spite of you!

Also to note, what awareness has said is very very helpful advice indeed.

It is very helpful to work with things that come up for us in an individual way within our own beliefs systems and religions. I do not view this is wrong in any way.

In example if a Christian believer happened to ask me what they should do to cleanse their housing and myself knowing they are Christian but who personally holds many Native American beliefs myself- it actually is my utmost and respectful duty to attempt at least to respect their individual beliefs and will and to let them know that holy water, prayer or any other means they use per their individual beliefs and feelings are actually indeed right, quite spot on, there is nothing wrong with the techniques they use.

If you use holy water and prayer in accordance with extreme faith you will ultimately succeed in overcoming this and helping yourself.

If I use Sage or white light or Juniper ash in accordance with extreme faith I will ultimately succeed in overcoming this and helping myself.

It is not the technique itself which makes a prayer, a blessing, or an exorcism or a protective means work- it is but the sheer will and faith of the individual.

I suggest you gradually begin to build your own confidence and faith in yourself after what has occurred and at this time.

You definitely have all the strength you need within you in overcoming this difficulty. You are more powerful than you may be able to know or imagine.

But, please know you are powerful. And I have every faith in you.

And if that doesn't work- might I suggest Billies or as known as Slowsnake's advice here as well. Send the bikers over to him!

Well met,

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