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Old 16-10-2015, 02:10 PM
rodan rodan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 310
I have read information where going deeper seems to have more effect, but, then, that may depend on what a subject is trying to accomplish.

Personally, I do like using self hypnosis audios where the hypnotist guides the subject. An issue I have with this, most of the ones I've used, the hypnotist doesn't leave you in the relaxed, or even deeper state, very long, at least not long enough to give the subconscious a belief.

The audio will bring you back out after just a few seconds. I've already edited the audio, stopping it when it has you reach the state you want to be in, after the suggestion is made by the hypnotist to imagine that belief you want. Problem with this, you are left to just fall asleep, or, have to consciously think about coming back out of the trance.
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