Thread: Ascension
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Old 16-12-2018, 09:45 AM
Patrycia-Rose Patrycia-Rose is offline
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Good morning, Mr G

The energies feel very intense at the moment and I have been experiencing some weird ascension symptoms, I feel sometimes as though I have the symptoms of a cold and then it just goes and a strange metallic taste (I've googled both and both come up many times).

This came from you telling me about how your Spirituality had become a little 'becalmed'. Really it was about giving yourself a break Spiritually and remembering that there were other aspects of your Life that also needed attention at that time. I wasn't criticising the fact that you have all this knowledge on the end of a mouse, what I was trying to point out was that You could have been heading for a Spiritual crash-and-burn, and often they're not pretty. You're quite the polarised energy person so a high energy period of Spirituality needs an equal measure of downtime.

Sorry about that; I am accustomed to people disagreeing with my views and things I do, basically a minority of one is my home! One of the reasons I keep myself to myself, because usually unless I care for someone or about my relationship I can’t be **sed to explain myself. (I think there maybe a vague compliment for you in there somewhere). I have to say this is where Matt’s teachings have helped in letting things be.

But yes, looking back it gave me some time away from things spiritual. I think the phobia resulting in me working from home has been something similar; I’ve taken to it like a duck to water and am so much more productive

It means many things to many people, but the irony is that if you aren't that interested in being enlightened you already are enlightened.

Thank you.

The more we're different the more we're the same. Mrs G says I;m so laid back I'm horizontal and this comes across in my Spirituality too. But then I guess our definitions of Spirituality are different.

"The temple of the most high begins with the body which houses our life, the essence of our existence. Africans are in bondage today because they approach spirituality through religion provided by foreign invaders and conquerors. We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans, which was suppose to help people grow spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was given by the Most High of Creation. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the universe, and each other…”
Haile Selassie

Blimey, Mr G, you’re not going to start quoting the ‘R’ word at me?!

While Matt's teachings have been important they haven't had the importance that you've placed on your relationship with him. I can understands where you're coming from and I can understand where I;m coming from and understand the dichotomy between you and me. Matt's teachings came at a time when I really needed them and in many ways I could have written close to everything you've said here. The only real difference is in the relationship with the material but for me that brings its own understanding. To me, Matt has never been a tutor or a mentor, he's been more of a compatriot. THE first video of Matt's was about the First Wave of Ascension, I was never a fan of this Ascension malarkey but something inside almost compelled me to watch it. And I was glad I did because he was telling me what I was going through and it came at a time when I was about ready to lose it, quite frankly. What I get from the vids is that they seem to be a confirmation that I'm headed in the right general direction. At the same time i feel as if I have a job to do and I need to be a certain person at a certain level to do what I need to do, and becoming too engrossed with the teachings is going to take something away from that task. At the same time though, it's nice to know that I'm resonating at that level of consciousness. I can relax.

Without the teachings there would be no relationship and without the relationship there would be no teachings.

I wouldn’t look on him as a tutor/mentor, nor a compatriot, in fact it’s only as you say that, it’s occurred to me I’ve never really considered how I view the relationship. The word ‘friend’ springs to mind which isn’t a million miles from compatriot.

I must admit when I first heard about the first wave of ascension I more or less dismissed it as I had not got a clue what that was about. But now, not only do I understand it, I also think I am part of that first wave. All the descriptions he has given about the characteristics and feelings, profile, fit me and for once I don’t feel that kneejerk ‘don’t label me’ response!

Also I have seen several other spiritual videos, articles about ascension etc. I have heard Dolores Cannon refer to the three waves of volunteers. I thought it was a Matt specific thing but it is not. You may be interested to know that in his new video “we belong to the light” he talks about the second and third waves and describes them with clear descriptions of each and it confirmed to me again, that I’m part of the first wave. My ears were fully alert when he was talking about this as I find it so interesting and also can see clearly the second and third waves in humanity. All this is going to be happening in the next two years, although it’s happening now.

And yes, like you, much of confirms I’m in the right space. Because I’ve always done my own thing spiritually, I never engaged with any spiritual practices and much of what he teaches is disengaging from those old teachings, so I’m ahead of the game there, courtesey of being a bit of a rebel! My learning is in the parts about not blaming / judging /criticising myself but being kind, loving, patient with myself and getting out of moments of victimhood ego.

And I know I’m going at it full throttle but that is my style when I’m enthusiastic about something! And something isn’t going to keep that level of enthusiasm for over a year if there’s nothing there.

This is like a foundation on which to make sense of my past, some aspects of it anyway, give me a bigger yet still spiritual picture and give me a blueprint for the future and let it merge /blend with me and see where it takes me – and that has to be a better way to approach life than the prospect of beginning another journal with ‘same *** different year!”

The Police said I was speeding. Oops, wrong Police. Still, of we are Spirits in the material world does that mean Spirituality has lost its meaning?

No, not at all. Because a great deal Of the planet does not give one iota about Spiritual things! I think you can see this clearly In the people around you, people who might consider spiritual things ‘one day’. There is a man at work who frequently says when you're dead you're 6 foot under and that's your lot! See now years ago I may have tried to talk to him about my experiences to get him to consider a different view. But I don't do that now because it is exhausting for me and even without Matt’s teachings I think there are some people who maybe do not need to have a spiritual contemplation in this life. That does not make them wrong or bad, just right for them in this lifetime. And I am far more accepting of that now than I was a few years ago and that is largely in part due to Matt’s teachings.

I also think that spiritualism, true spiritualism, is about gaining evidence that life continues after we leave our physical bodies, and that is being beamed into people's homes via the likes of programmes by Colin Fry, John Edward, Tyler Henry and Tony Stockwell. People watch these and then consider what a sitting would be like and take it further. Also things like crystal healing and dowsing, reiki etc are far more openly talked about. I think this is opening more people up to the possibility of life after we pass.

Sometimes labels help us understand more about whatever we're labelling, and sometimes it's not so much a label as a 'pointer' to something else. Basically Gnosis is knowing without knowing how you know, which is what you're doing there.

Ah, I didn’t know that, didn’t realise that is what is was called

Having a dodgy hip is a blessing right now because it's slowing me down and being honest, this lump inside me is having an effect I'd rather not admit to. The dodgy hip is acting like a brake, so that's perhaps a good thing.

Anything I can help with? Do you mean an emotional / mental effect, how you’re feeling about it all, or do you mean it’s producing some new / additional symptoms? You’re human as well, so it wouldn’t be the fullest experience if you didn’t have any emotional /mental / physical reaction. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling.

You can never predict how something is going to affect you, even if it seems the most unlikely reaction. For instance, last Sunday afternoon, whilst I was still recovering from exposure to the phobia, I had an afternoon of what I can only describe as OCD like behaviour, when suddenly I was noticing every CD that was out of line, speaker cables catching my eye, I had this need to clear away things left out on the worktop, everything had to be cleaned and put away. But I was allowing and kind to myself whilst it played itself out, part of me was getting on with sitting down checking if the cable needed to be moved by another centimetre, whilst the other half was observing with affectionate amusement. It served whatever purpose it needed to and hasn’t been repeated.

I don't know if talking this through from a Spiritual perspective is going to be of any use to you, if so then by all means vent your spleen. If you'd rather not that's OK too.

Just right now my head feels as though it's a snow globe that someone's shaken the hell out of it and laid it down. There's this morass of spazz flying around inside my noggin and the craziest part is that I'm OK with it. I've also gone very cold and shivery, and there's a strange energy flying around

Thank you. I’m not sure how to view it from a spiritual point. As I understand it, based on what I’ve been told it’s from a past life, a specific set of circumstances in this life, aspects of which were similar to the past life death, should not have happened in this life but it was strong enough to break through into this life and has been here ever since. If I am believing that ‘everything is here to help me’, then I can’t pick and choose what I apply that belief to. So I don’t know how abject fear is supposed to help me but again, maybe one of those things that I don’t see the full picture until I cross over.

Cold and shivery can be a sign of shock.

Talking of strange energy flying around, I had the oddest experience last week. I was in the supermarket and was feeling really quite uplifted and good as I did my shopping. I thought I had better get some ibuprofen as I was running low and it is heading into winter time. I rarely take the stuff but this time of year does not seem a good time to be without it. As I stood in the pharmacy department , there was no one around. I looked on the shelves for the painkillers and found them and as I walked away my energy just dropped instantly and I felt quite unwell. It was so sudden. I carried on shopping thinking that it would probably lift and it did. And my thinking is that I must have been picking up the energy from people who had been unwell looking for medication. There is a shop in Glastonbury I can’t go in as it makes me feel light-headed and not right. I guess that is part of being an empath.

Yes you are the Light, in more ways than you realise right now. The Universe is reflecting back at you and putting all this in place for you.

Oooh, that’s kind of cryptic, would you be able to say more?

I always had a passion for things that were outside of the mainstream, especially music and New Musik fitted that bill nicely at the time. At the time I wasn't really an album-buyer, probably a reflection of my nomadic lifestyle and feeling very unsettled with myself. There were a few fits and starts along the way but it's only been since Mrs G really came into my Life that it's really taken off again. I have all kinds of nonsense and I'm not too ashamed to admit one of the CDs is of Gregorian chants. Music seems to be something else we can resonate with on a different level and our tastes in music can tell their own stories too

Nothing wrong with Gregorian chant; I had a CD of that and found it very grounding and very soothing.

You may like this, this is about as different as it gets. It’s by Terry Oldfield (brother of Mike) and called Eyes of the Goddess. It’s taken an age to find it on Youtube. Best listened to on headphones and has a very slow build up but I was hooked when I heard the voices that start about 3.20 mins in. I consider this a real treat. See what you think. Best with headphones though.

"Now that you’re here, your mission is to figure out why you wanted everything to be this way." Matt Kahn

Last edited by Patrycia-Rose : 16-12-2018 at 02:53 PM.
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