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Old 01-04-2018, 08:11 PM
jerrygg38 jerrygg38 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by Kontufuto
I am all one for the practical and this topic is of interest to me on so many levels. Curious how any of you demonstrated to another or others that what you are experiencing out of body is real. There are so many doubters in this world and so many ready to shoot you down with name calling and whatever when you even suggest you saw or did something while out of the body.

Please don't respond if you are a doubter or if you are a hater. I would very much like to keep this a loving and positive thread. Thank you in advance.
I have had many spiritual experiences. In 1981 the spirit within my soul came out of me. I could put my hand through it but it could grab me and control my body. It gave me a job to do and I fought it but in the end, I agreed to the task. So I write my books and tell my story. To many I am just another Jewish madman. Yet the data I was given by my spirit enabled me to write the equations of "The Dual Light-Speed Universe". The greatest scientific minds have not solved gravity. Yet the advanced spirit within me which came from a higher Earth knew the answers quite well.
An atom resides in both the physical dimension and the spiritual dimension. Thus we live in a dual physical/Spiritual universe. The physical light speed is 186,000 miles per second and the spiritual light speed is 1000 light years per second. When we look at the universe from the physical perspective it is a Co/Cs universe. From the spherical perspective it is a Cs/Co universe. Our soul is the inverted image of our body. When our body is burnt up our soul is destroyed. However within our soul is additional Cs/Co photonic spiritual energy. This will flow toward the spiritual center of this Earth. The hot core produces additional spiritual energy that nourishes our soul.
Anyway you are correct in believing that we have both physical and spiritual dimensions. However they are opposite sides of the same coin. Like Yin and Yang. The Chinese philosophers long ago stated that we have a dual physical/spiritual universe.
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