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Old 16-04-2017, 05:39 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
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My belief is that everyone is on their very own spiritual journey, in this game called life. I think at some point, we all come to this question. Is there really a heaven, if so, what is it, where is it, etc etc.

I believe the answer may be different for everyone as well. In Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts, Jane channels Seth and Seth started writing books through her, and this was a big topic of his discussion, and he has a very intriguing answer.

Before I found this book, I found Sylvia Browne, whose book The Other Side and Back - at least I think that is the one, she has 2 books with very similar titles, explains what she has learned from her spirit guide Francine as to what the heck we do after we die? This book reasonated with me. I loved it. I was an ex-catholic looking to find my spiritual path, and this came at a time when I needed an answer.

So, now that you have asked the question, allow that you can get the answer. Notice what comes into your life, what thoughts pop into your head, what things appear that may lead to an answer.

When I read Sylvia's book, there was one sentence that changed my life forever. I can't quote it verbatum, but it was that there is no devil - man created the devil to get people to fear so that they would go to church and the church could make money. Now, that I believed. I am really not trashing any religion, but for me, that made sense. As someone who was traumatized in my childhood by this "devil is going to get you" belief that I was raised with, to instantly know that it wasn't true, it released all fear of death within me - which honestly, I didn't realize I had.

So if was a 2-fer.

Allow that your answer to this question will be your answer and will feel good to you in a way no one else can describe for you.

Although - I am in the middle of reading this book. I love books about Life after Death, and have read several, and this one really blew me away. Heaven is Beautiful by Peter Baldwin Panagore. I picked this up in a thrift store, and just started reading it yesterday because I have this head cold and I'm just trying to get through that LOL, and starting about page 70, which sets up the situation of his death, and on, OMG, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever read in my life. Having come a ways down my own spiritual path, this to me truly felt right. Not that the others were wrong, but they were all pointing to this one aspect that I just couldn't really grasp and his beautiful writings finally allowed me to feel, somewhat, what the others were all talking about.

So, anyway, it's a good question.

I just had to find an Abraham video about this, because I love passing Abraham on. Esther Hicks channels Abraham for hundreds of people all over the US, and other countries as well, and has been doing this work for about 30 years now. If you go to You Tube and type in Abraham Hicks and any subject, you will most likely find a lot of audio files people have posted from Abraham on that subject. So I found one on this subject for you. If you are not familiar with Abraham, or have never heard of them, you might want to skip to 3:33.

And in the listening to this (for you LOL) I got to 4:29, and again the explanation of source energy that Abraham is talking about, I finally - sort of as much as I can right now - understand what they are meaning, all because I read this passage in this book about Life after Death, and the beautiful explanation in there.

Oh, and there is no death. No one dies. Our bodies dies and decay, but our spirits are forever. So, if you have not embraced that concept, maybe people come to that realization after having lost a loved one. That's really when the questions for me started.

Just my 2 cents.

Abraham Hicks - Death and What Lies Beyond
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