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Old 03-11-2017, 12:41 AM
lanm1192 lanm1192 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 140
Originally Posted by John32241

My understanding about entity attachments is different than the conventional views. We have all had many life times with both good and less than good emotional experiences. All those personalities from millions of life expressions are still within the self.

Consider the possability that those entities are the ones you are involved with. Now if that is true, how best can you deal with them?


Well they seem hellbent on making this life miserable and possibly taking it over. I can't meditate or do any inner or journey work with their partial control over my physical body so my only answer would be to clear past life influences, but I've tried that and it hasn't worked.

I mean how am I supposed to deal with a past life possessing me? The only thing that seems logical given our interactions and this particular veiwpoint is that someone was very upset to die and wants another chance.

If counseling the soul part is what is needed, that is hopeless because they are very resistant to counseling. They make a joke out of it and refuse to answer honestly, straightforwardly, or take anything seriously. Whatever it is, it is damn content to stay in its place.
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