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Old 13-09-2016, 10:04 PM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Originally Posted by Colorado
Usually I have a the context of the dream and what it is don't ever really know until something happens later on, like if you meet someone from the dream or have the something like that happen. I've had lots of psychic experiences, but having past life dreams isn't as common. I had most when I was a toddler, I've had a few as an adult, right before a karmic situation is about to happen... Again, you don't really know until after it passes... But your feelings are usually right on, but your logical side won't believe it unless something big happens to back it up afterwards. I've literally seen people in my dreams before meeting them, but the setting of the dream will have older era houses, cars or images....if it's a past life
they will be very drawn to you, even if you ignore them or don't know them. Often with feelings that don't make logical sense
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