Thread: 'I am a Witch'
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Old 07-01-2012, 12:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Now is the time,
now is the hour,
I am the magick,
I am the power.

ha ha, from the movie The Craft. - But it's a good one. I've used it myself.

a lot of people are horrified that some "newbies" to the Craft are full of Charmed, Harry Potter, The Craft and Practical Magic and read books by Silver Ravenwolf -

I say we all got to start someplace. And once they begin to delve further into the Craft, into Wicca, into Witchcraft, they may find it is not for them. Or they may embrace it fully and study and become what I feel is the most beautiful of spiritual paths - Wicca and Witchcraft.

Despite the controversy of the "correct" label (are you a 'witch' or "wiccan" or are you a 'white witch' or a 'black witch') and the blurring of the line between Wicca the religion and the Craft of making magick, I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't care if some little snot calls me a "psuedo-witch" - because after 40+ plus years I know what I am: a Pagan, a Wiccan, and a Witch. and darned proud to be such!
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