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Old 18-12-2017, 12:14 AM
girlsearching girlsearching is offline
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Originally Posted by FairyCrystal[B
]I feel all signs have beautiful things to add to the world, to the person and to others. Each sign holds lessons and also power to achieve specific things.

There is no 'bad' star sign, certainly not evil.[/b]
Thank you FairyCrystal .

I personally happen to like air signs they're go getters and won't let anyone deter them form achieving their goals in life.

I still remember your quote in the the 'Zodiac signs and overcoming their flaws' thread. You stated that; " To give another example about another sign (NOT to knock anyone, just the best example I can give as I've known a lot of Virgos and they all had this behaviour): Virgos tend to victimize themselves. I think maybe this is the Virgo lesson, to overcome that, to take responsibility for their own life and choices. Maybe one could say that since Virgo is about harvest, they cannot harvest their full potential until they take responsibility for their life."

That rings true for me. I need to take responsibility for my life so I can be a better person. I have to stop being afraid even when a situation is difficult and stop speaking ans thinking negatively about myself into existence.
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