Thread: Palm reading
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Iamlight...even if you check out the symbols on the link I gave you will probably not get any answers.
Yourr profile says you are 56..this happened to you when you were 18...that is 38 years ago.
Our hands change...I have many more lines and marks then I had at that age..As we expereince , receive and do it apepars in our hands. The hand you look at now will not be the hand the so called palm reader looked at.

And a thought I also had is it was not about you or your hand. What if your hand showed her something???? Liek maybe you had the ability to see a fraud immediately. Maybe she was afraid of you because you would feel within a few minutess she was conning you.

A real and truly gifted palmist would have explained why they couldn't read for you. If it was to simply say I can't feel your energy correctly.
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