Thread: Robert Adams
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Old 21-08-2019, 08:52 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
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I was trying to learn a little bit of Jazz theory this morning, trying being the word lol..anyways I was also glancing over some of Robert Adams teachings here and kinda had a synthetic moment if you will. As Robert says, if you are feeling angry and upset and non harmonising with the universe then its going to be impossible to awaken as such,( forgive my paraphrasing as i still dont know how to copy and paste lol) So i was figuring that he is speaking about holding on to these things and i had a woww moment that it's like that in jazz and all music, that there is dissonance and the dissonance,call it resistance or anger or whatever is there but there is always a way out ....
There is always a "Secret Chord" another phrase from the Master Leonard Cohen. There is always the possibility of surrender and resolution and acceptance of our so called enemies as I think Robert Adams is pointing out.

This is a really strong part of his teaching for me that ive picked up from this thread. Accept your enemies and the rancour of this world ..see it for what it is and resolve it if you will. Be with the dissonance and then move into that " Secret Chord." :)
Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

To Thine own Self be True

The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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