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Old 31-12-2010, 01:12 PM
Evaah Evaah is offline
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But I read that it's actually "bad" (for lack of a better term... ineffective? counter-productive, maybe?) to focus on breathing while trying to AP because we don't breathe in the astral. I think in another AP thread, someone pointed out that it's better to draw your attention away from breathing.

I can get to the stage where I'm relaxed. My body feels as though it's paralyzed (but it actually isn't); it feels heavy, and eventually, some parts begin to tingle. But at that point, I'm sort of stuck, because I'm trying not to think about wanting to AP, but at the same time, I'm afraid that if I stop thinking, I'll fall asleep. So I try to think about other things - or imagine myself in my "happy place". But the thoughts about AP always manage to creep back in...

I did try your breathing exercise in meditation last night, and yes, I found it to work well. I went straight into visualization afterward and found myself with a less active mind.

(Xan: Haha. Okay, then. Spiritual mentor. )


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