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Old 13-02-2013, 08:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by hannah
As the Hermeticists say, does anything actually exist outside our own mind/consciousness? We believe something exists because we can percieve it, but what if our perceptions are wrong? When we are asleep or comatose, for us the world no longer exists, but comes back into existence on waking. What if everything is an elaborate fantasy we have made for ourselves, and reality is something very different? Think of the Matrix!

This reminds me of my other thread, Simulation. I believe we are in illusions inside of even more illusions. I believe some of us (ET stasis walk ins) are truly simulated and are simply projecting our souls into our bodies. When I go to sleep, I wake up and carry on my other assignments in my other body.
Even those that are not alive elsewhere right now, and have come straight from death as a soul are mere projections of the soul.
I believe the universe, and all other universes, and absolutely everything that is solid, including most realms that we perceive to be "spiritual" are all completely cyclical - it happens over and over again, like a giant time loop, or many time loops.
Ultimately, the only place that is not cyclical and that is not a hologram of our and God's beautiful and amazing creations, is the death realm.
I think many people perceive all the millions of realms to be a part of the death realm, but I don't think these realms we see or astral travel to are part of it at all. I believe they are all physical, even those inter-dimensional beings. Just at different frequencies, and different layers of illusion than us. Some are much more "ascended" so they don't have to take "physical form"
Like me. My ET self - I am an ascended being. I didn't have to physically die to get here.

This reminds me of my ancient egyptian question again. I had a vision of the tree of life in maya culture - the one that has dead bodies growing off it, that which is known in pretty much every culture and creation myth and figured it's meaning truly stands for DNA, and that the older skins are coming back.
Actually this is true in terms of DNA as we restore to our natural ascended bodies, but I also resonated with this in very literal terms.
"The old skins are coming back" =
Our original ancestors are coming back. We can all give love and prana.

I knew this was happening in many ways already, but the idea of actual mummies coming back to life - I don't know about that, it's been something I've been thinking of though. I know my ET family is coming back in many forms, projections like myself, star seeds like my original soul, and some plan on coming in their own forms.
But here's the thing...
The Underworld in ancient egypt. It's a very real place - a dimension.
It's a place where the ancients trapped themselves - in our future - or our past depending on what way you look at time. They are alive. They never passed over into the death realm. They never died. That's what "immortality" was to them. They figured out how to leave their bodies and trap themselves there.
So they are coming back here, just like many other inter-dimensional beings are beginning to, as our dimension shifts into one where all can access it again.

Somehow, their coming back has a lot to do with how they mummified themselves. I just don't know how yet. I've been talking with Anubis. But last time I talked to him, I thought it would be grand to follow him down to the "underworld" and I got got distracted and forgot I was still down there for days, it was pretty depressing until I remembered I never climbed up from that place.
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