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Old 12-04-2011, 08:42 PM
unus supra
Posts: n/a
Alright buddy, the thing about the ego, is like the body, as long as you are here in this form so to will the ego be here with you.

These thoughts are perfectly natural. in fact some may find that the more spiritually adept they become, the more pronounced (or the more aware of it) they become.

You will not subdue it or iradicate it any more than you would the body. the key is in knowing, like the rest of the body, it is a functional mechanism.

The heart pumps blood, the stomach digests food, and the ego produces thought in the form of symbolism.

It is not you.

That little bit of detachment is all you need. Take your awareness and put it on the point of your finger. notice how it comes alive? put that awareness on any point of your body and it comes alive.

The prime misidentification comes about when we mistake our thoughts for being ourselves, in which case we encase them with the majority of our awareness. Thus as we grow older, individuals tend to spend more and more time in their heads than experiencing the incredible sensory stimuli that is constantly flooding us. That is where delusion, anxiety come in. That is when people identify with a belief, because it is a construct of the mind and they believe the mind is them, so strongly that they will kill each other.

So know the mind for what it is. In knowing what it is in its most primitive form you can then step back and see it from another vantage point.

you cant study the car if your busy driving it.

Does that make sense? Yes, if i thought i was my ego,

i would be in jail in a straight jacket on death row for God only knows how many things.

But im not. And neither are you.

What we wish to do then, is having that vantage point, and having familiarized ourselves with the way in which the mind functions, we train it to behave in accordance with not belief, but what we know through direct, mutually observable, direct experience to be absolutley true. Not your "own truth" but rather A few fundamental laws of creation that can be observed in all phenomenon by all people. Things so simple as to be literally hidden in plain sight. The mind is a conditioned mechanism. Wipe out the old ruts in the road, and with understanding, realign it.

In doing so, it becomes more quite by default. It is a science, but one that can be learned. Thats why they say meditation is not enough if it is not unified with insight. That is the process by which through meditation we observe and reafirm to the mind in clear focus what has been learned in terms of a few simple fundamental laws. Impermanence, conditioned existence and things of that nature. Think of these fundamental laws as the key hole, realization as the door, and the ego as the key itself. We shave the key in so that it may fit the keyhole so we may open the door to broader understanding and ultimately....well that highest place we all seek.

We know it, we train it, and the rest takes care of itself.

By the way, i absolutely ROCK.

and so do you partner

thats the ego, thats what it does, dont sweat it. your perfectly healthy and normal.
you absolutely ARE the one. And so am i. the ego only makes the mistake of thinking
it is alone in this perfection as opposed to someone else.

i hoped i didnt go too far off on a tangent. oops
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