Thread: Stupid
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Old 03-02-2011, 05:36 PM
Posts: n/a

"Great intelligence seems stupid."
Tao Te Ching as translated by Gia Fu-Feng.

Oh goody...cuz I'm real slow, forgetful and spacy. At work my boss gets irritated. But she gets irritated at everyone for something or other. I overcompensate by taking on extra hours when needed and being kind to all the customers.

When I was in High School my nickname was DuBa and all the kids called me, Duh...uBa, cuz I stared out the window a lot and just didn't get things.

I have always felt that perhaps I should have been born in the Middle Ages or as a Native American in the 17th Century. Things made more sence to me then. The world is awful fast and complicated now.
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