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Old 22-10-2016, 06:52 AM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Duality is a word that has yet (in some way) to be defined. There are many such words and we all use them without thinking what they represent.
Soul, spirit, love, - just a few of those words bandied about and thrown into the ocean of philosophy.

For me it's simple. Everything is one. So called opposites (that which gives rise to this thing we call duality) are simply aspects of the same thing. Like a magnet that has one positive end and one negative. In the middle it's neutral and only changes as a result of action.

The only really tangible duality and one which we have not yet been able to define is the one we live with each day. Mind and Matter. Even then we hesitate - all that has form is matter but these forms outside of what we call nature are created by the human mind where human interference can be seen. For instance the chair on which I am sitting. Or the city of London. Both a result of human minds.

So if we talk of God and Satan we are talking of the same thing - the differing aspects are caused by action.

If you put two pieces of iron together and one is hot and the other is cold they will then exchange aspects (information) until the middle way is found. Only action can afterwards change their condition or state.
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