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Old 06-02-2015, 08:40 PM
Tail11 Tail11 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 169
I believe we all plan our lives prior to incarnation. Not to say every circumstance is your planned event, we all have been given free choice. I can say that I've been where you are at wondering why my life has been difficult. I have read many spiritual books, prayed, meditated, and dug deep within myself to find my own answers.

What I have found is that my soul is very knowing. My current experience here on earth is what my soul has made a quest for knowledge and is expanding its own wisdom. My soul is learning through this human life. My human body is simply a vessel for my soul to quench its thirst for knowledge. When you trust your soul and its wisdom, you will find some peace. At least that is what works for me.

Be thankful you are asking questions. Your spiritual path has begun. Nurture it and the answers will be revealed. Trust the process.
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