Thread: Help, Telepathy
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Old 29-03-2012, 01:44 AM
Posts: n/a
I read the original post and I was chilled by it. I too have been able to do this from birth. But something inside of me stops me from crossing boundaries, places people really do not want me to see, and sending for the sake of sending just felt wrong, immoral when I tried it as a child, even if what I sent was helpful.

I will send healing emotions from time to time, but that is the extent of it now. All of it is as easy to do as a simple thought for me; I chose not to; to live in harmony with me and with life as a whole.

I am not arrogent enough to assume that I always know what is best for someone, no matter how much I can read of who they are. They are their own best guide.

You are asking others to control your urges for you; only you can do this and you know what is right and what is not. Follow that.
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