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Old 16-01-2011, 02:33 PM
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The Spiritual Root of Cheating

Intermixing of male and female qualities at the spiritual level leads to cheating, betrayal and sexual deviations in our world.

Certainly, no one likes being cheated on. But as much as we'd like to write this unfortunate phenomenon off as "purely animalistic behavior," in fact there is a spiritual root behind it because every phenomenon in our world must also exist in the spiritual world. So what is this spiritual root or reason for our cheating? In Kabbalah, it's called "the breaking of the vessels."

This means that once, we were all united in one common soul, but then this common soul broke into many parts. This "breaking of the vessels" caused all the parts to become integrated in one other, and as a result, each broken part now contains a female part and a male part. Hence, the male parts contain female parts and vice versa. We even have each other's hormones!

This intermixing of our qualities is not only the cause of cheating and betrayal, but also of all the sexual deviations in our world, such as homosexuality and deviant sexual identity. And these phenomena are evident in our times more than ever before because we've arrived at the "lowest level" of discerning the breaking of the vessels.

The male and female parts do not see exactly how they should interact with one another. In the ideal, spiritual state, the male and female parts are positioned one against the other - the man opposite the woman. However, in our state - after the souls broke, descended and became intermixed with one another - each one took on qualities that belong to others. This is why we desire different kinds of pleasure from different sources.

However, if we rise above our search for these different pleasures and aspire for spiritual pleasure, then we will see who is our true partner on the spiritual path. This brings us to the famous verse, "Man, woman, and the Divine Presence between them." If one's greatest value in life is spirituality, then he (or she) will find the right partner in life, his "other half" who will be together with him on the spiritual path. And together, they will attain adhesion with the Creator.

In the meantime this may sound utopian because in our current reality it is difficult for us to see and understand how it can really happen. But as we continue advancing toward correction and spirituality, we will understand this more and build a good future filled with trust and loyalty.
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