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Old 16-05-2018, 02:18 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715

I lost my best friend to cancer when we were only 10 & 11 yrs old. I know the pain amd shock. I don't have anything to really say that is going to help you jump from this grief to acceptance, or make it any better. It is a spiritual process.

I do know that loved ones can, and will send you signs, dreams, songs, ect, once they are okay with their passing. It's hard sometimes to understand those messages or feel them when we are grieving, or upset.

I promise you this, it is real.

I learned about a young dead uncle who died when he was only 21 years old through dreams. He kept coming to me...he died 10 years before I was born. I became estranged from my mother after my parents divorce when I was around 6. I never even heard of the guy as he was from my moms side and they lived several states away. We didn't talk, no phone calls, visits, ect. It took me a few years to find out who he was. He gave me one dream I asked him who he was. (The whole story is posted on this board) and he held up a flashing neon yellow sign that just read "1968"

My great grandfather also came to me ththe night he died...he is also from my moms side, and I hadn't been around him since I was a small kid...about 25 years.

A farmer in our town came to me 3 days after he died. I learned he died because he sitting on my bed one morning talking to me when I first woke up...I rubbed my eyeyes s and he was gone. Later that day, I found out for the first time that he had cancer and died 3 days before.

There's many more stories.

There is life after death, we are not crazy...most of us who have seen or have these experiences are normal. I am married, two great kids, and I'm a manager at my current job. I have no mental health history, although I do have depression and anxiety from time to time...but I think that's fairly normal for most people anymore.

I think these abilities run in families, but Inalso had a NDE in my 20s...and these abilities started up full force after that( I did have them as a kid, (but they seem to have went doormat until my NDE)

My advice, is to let you grieve...go through your emotions, but don't lose your faith in the afterlife, or what's ahead. I believe suicides get help on the other side, eventually...when they are ready. I do believe in reincarnation because of my own experiences. I was shown a past life through dreams in which I committed suicide...and had children. One of the children showed up in a picture with my children in this life on Easter holiday, next to the fireplace.

Pray for him, talk to him, tell him how much you love him. They can hear you.
Tell him everything you want to say. It's a lot easier for them to come through in dreams, because we are rested and not occupied with other things...but they can in many ways....I've had full apparitions while awake.

I will say a prayer for Ryan as well...I hope that he is finding peace on his journey....and I hope that you can find peace eventually on yours. You will always miss him...but he might just be the one who greets you happily when it's your time to go back home. Right now, just talk to him as you always have...and even ask for signs or dreams. When he is ready, he will come through. For many people, it's a few months or years before they send just depends on his progress over there. Right now, he might have some healing to do.

I am also very sensitive to energy....I can feel departed people who come around me. I felt my grandmother in law around me a whole day, after her funeral....which I didn't get to attend. She was always buzzing with excitement, and that's exactly what I felt that day as I talked and prayed for her. I have also prayed for people who have passed on...for the elevation of their soul, thoughts, feelings, and well being. Sometimes I get a sinking feeling if they haven't crossed over well, sometimes I get a light feeling, sometimes a very low level energy, and sometimes I get a warm friendly feeling.


Suicides always touch my heart....and so I prayed for Ryan right away..connecting with him through his first name, April 3rd, and your username...

As I prayed for Ryan, I got a warm loving he was taken care of when he crossed over. I get the feeling that he has people over there that love him very much..and he made it. Something about his funeral, helped him move on. I think he was pleased with it, and with the people who showed up....he felt loved by all of you. I saw what looked like about 3 or so women up at his coffin together, who he really felt loved by. My whole left side was very warm, and very loving....especially around my heart, shoulder, and left side. It's gone now...that is a clear indication to me, that he made it. (did some people wear white to his funeral)This is a very loving person. (I don't always get that with people who commit suicide) Some of the people who have committed suicide are not as open....but I clearly felt it, very warm, friendly, loving energy. I believe your friend really is at peace. His energy felt very friendly, courteous, warm, and a neat light-hearted kind of guy....but a bit self contained, or even quiet, and deep thinker.

Like he just stopped in to say thank you for praying for me, I'm okay....and then left.

There are many gifted people here if you need to talk....God bless.

Last edited by Colorado : 16-05-2018 at 04:02 AM.
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