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Old 23-05-2015, 07:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by metal68

I have read similar, well in Bob Olsen's Questions On The Afterlife that you, as in you, are a spirit and you are part of a soul that is every one of the lives that a version of you ever lives. The individual you, from your POV goes back to the Source, the afterlife realm and carries on there. The You from your pov doesn't come back again. Your soul instead creates another version of itself, a new spirit, another you but not you, a new individual personality to experience life. The you, the one that dies, carries on reunited with loved ones from your life but also connects with all the kindred spirits, the other versions of you that have existed and all their loved ones. I guess that you can think of it as cloning. You have a template (soul) from which slightly altered clones are created to experience a physical life. Each clone's spirit returns home after death to carry on it's individual existence.

I did not read the book or hear about him, but my spirit guide pretty much told me the same thing. At first it was hard to believe because I never head about this idea before, but then I came across other books (like Supersoul) and that book led me to other books and I realized that other people's spirits are telling them this also, so that helped to believe more.
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