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Old 16-03-2019, 08:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by HSmith123
Whenever i try to talk to friends about whats going on in the world, if it is the mainstream, everything is normal, dont ask questions etc, they cannot bear to hear it and even get aggressive. This behavior really confuses me, for example im trying to make them aware about the dangers of 5g technology! And all i am met with is, 'SHUT UP', 'that's a load of rubbish', 'youre so delusional'. I dont know how but ive never led a mainstream life and maybe thats why i am not a sheeple and question what is going on in this reality, is there a way to wake people up, the ignorance is so painful at times. Much love to you all :)
I've been slated on this forum before because of my "anything goes Spirituality," because I'll talk about things other than ideologies and theologies in a post. What's the difference, really? If I said that the explanation had nothing to do with waking up but everything to do with cognitive dissonance?

If you want to understand, dig a little bit deeper and don't be satisfied with what you see on the surface. There are reasons for people being the way they are and often the best way it to put yourself in others' shoes. Some people just don't like their worlds rocked. The other problem is what constitutes mainstream news for instance, often it's heavily filtered and biased and people find themselves switching off from it. Similarly with the debate about 5G, debates were raging about CRT monitors and how radiation was making you sick or framerates were damaging people's eyes. Then it was wifi, early mobile phones in back pockets causing hip bone cancer..... Then there are people who don't want to know about the dangers of 5D because of the benefits the same as people ignored the dangers of wifi and everything else for the same reasons.

Often the truth takes a back seat.
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