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Old 28-01-2016, 09:46 PM
IamSoul49 IamSoul49 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 94
Hello All

There is always this debate - this question unanswered - asked by both original traditional jews and also later,new religion christians - the question of the affiliation of Christ,would sum it up - His intentions for one and all..Did He for example - come to continue that which was already in place (established original jewish tradition) - or did He come to replace it with this "new christian religion" that takes His name specificallly..?....

The answer is neither - Christ did not come to the jews specifically,as if they are some "chosen people of the true god" - and neither did He come to start a new religion with Him as figurehead (complete opposite actually,no religion at all,His truth renders such institution,absolutely obsolete)...

In all the endless debate,word games,arguments and theories - rarely - very rarely indeed - do any of us actually pay attention to HIM,and the the things He said directly...Specifically,the things He said about Himself,Divine claims,direct from the source of all creation - and more importantly here for this discussion - the specific things He said about Our Father (said source of creation) - as opposed to "yahweh god of the jews"...

And yes - opposed to yahweh,is the very crux of the issue here - it will confuse some,and outrage a great many more - but actually - from His own mouth - repeated often - Christ totally disavows the established jewish deity,its traditions and everything to do with that god and religion...To claim Christ was a jew at all - is quite absurd,given some of the things He said....To claim He is a jewish rabbi,is ridiculous beyond words....Pharisee,religious teachers - He despised them all,challenged them openly,time after time - damn them He said - neither know truth,nor allow you to have it either - shun them all He said...

Stop right here - take a pause - a serious question....Why did the jews murder Him ?

Options: They were enemies..?...He was a threat to them..?...They feared Him..?...Their god told them to..?...

Answer: All of the a way - from their perspective at least - He indeed,was their enemy,thought He Himself wished it otherwise,they refused the truth and set out to destroy it and silence it....Understand - They fully expected a man to show up,messiah from their god - and when He did finally arrive,He had some very troubling things to tell them all indeed - literally split their faith apart - the hundreds of later christian sects that form are the result of this new truth He gave).....

For instance - He told us plainly - the jewish god,we knows as yahweh - it claimed always to be supreme god,lord of all creation,yes..? - and yet Christ said openly,defiantly,this was not a god at all,but merely an Angel that once mistakenly believed itself supreme - and even though it now knows truth,it is duping you into giving it false worship He warned,holding you dominated,subserviant (even to this day through those later religions,this remains so)...

He then spoke and taught openly of a new,never before encountered ,supreme and Primal true Divine spirit - as said - not even the jewish god yahweh,or its Angels had knowledge of the Father at first He said,it was mistaken in its belief of suprmeacy - but when it found out that truth,it refused to yield,and set about dominating its own pocket creation here,claiming still,a sovereignty over our Souls,that it had no title to hold at all..hence He said,He came with secrets to tell,new truths - and this truth He promised,would set us free...

See then - Christ is not affiliated with the god of the jews at all - niether is He against it...He merely says it is an error of belief - part truth,part deception - a trap for the unwary Soul,that will follow this god and become lost in these lower realms here..Thus,such a Soul can never return fully,to its Source and original Home,Our Father....Its a complicated narrative,as you could probably guess - but rest assured,Christ told it all start to finish - from Our Fathers first stirring thought,through to mankind finally walks the Earth....

About mid way through - we learn of a single Divine mistake - an Angel called forth in ignorance by an unguarded Divine thought of the Goddess Sofia - this malformed Angel He said,resembles a dragon and it is immediatly expelled from the realm - the dragon cast from heaven - the rest as they say,is "twisted" history as according to Christ directly,this malformed mistakenly created Angel,is indeed the one who in its turn,directly creates us,mankind here on the earth - the dragon it turns out,is the one we know as "god" and has been tricking deceiving manipulating us,all the way through...

And so - Yeshua who is Christ had no affiliation to the jewish god - and spoke of this openly - and proved His own Divine claims with these dynamic,spur of the moment miracles that no priest of yahweh could perform - not even come close to attaining...First public miracle by Christ - He heals a leper !! Now understand - leper - cannot be cured - priest says they are unclean,outcast - their god has literally discarded them, yes..?..And yet Christ seeks one out - heals Him fully with just a simple touch and a word - no prayer needed,no ritual ,no sacrifice,no payment to temple - no time delay - instant dynamic bona fide miracle - understand..?..

Now Christ tells him specifically - please dont make a fuss now,but go straight to a rabbi at the temple,show him your condition and explain I wish to meet them.....Now,had the leper done as asked,things might have been different - Yeshua would have met the rabbis privately as He desired,they could have talked like rational men,privately withut al the public circus that would come - they could have decided what to do - no challenge or animaosity was needed - Christ wsihed to pursuade them with legitimate truth...

BUT - the stupid leper man - runs off to the crowded market - grabs 15 minutes of fame while he can,boasting of the messiah and how he is healed now by Him with just a touch and a Word that no priest can match !! That leper changed the course of our history Im afraid...what could have been peaceful re education - turned into civil dispute,unrest - and eventually - murder !!

Thus through such miracles,time and time again - all knew He was legitimate,and so,He became a direct and obvious threat to the established religion,its power,status,security....They dare not act directly - look,He is TRULY Divine - they knew it for sure - and so,out of fear that Our Father would be like their god - vengeful,wrathful,violent - out of fear of retribution for what they plotted,they had the Romans intercede,under pretense and false charges - kept their own hands clean - just in case His Father came for vengance,as their god surely does..

N0 - Christ was not of that god at all - but spoke of a new truth that as said - emphatically said by Him,and repeated often - none know my Father - even He said,the god and its angels above,have never encountered the truth of it..yet He was there - as creation first dawned He said - living Divine spirit - part of a Trinity godhead that is Source of All else...

For this truth they murdered Him...Plain and simple...Silenced Him - kept power and status secure - continued to push the cause of the lesser god that had always given them that power and status..See next - division...Christ rose literally from the grave - and then even the unbelievers had pause for thought - the religion fractured into hundreds of new forming sects,each claiming His truth and each set,in violence even,one against the other...

For near 4 centuries that continued - uintil Rome had finally had enough - gathered them altogether,and ordered them - dictated to them - a new religion - one "catholic" religion - with Rome pulling the strings of course..This then used its military might,to continue to eradicate all original truth of Christ - and replace it the world over,with fraudulant "catholic church doctrine" - all of ocurse,still following the wrong "god" entirely........This institution,managed to dominate most of the world for over 1800 years - it held total sway over every aspect of society here in the west,and had total control over public knowledge and public truth....They lied,manipulated and tricked - exactly as the god has always done....This god the THREE religions follow - is not the Father Source of Creation that Christ teaches us of - and for this truth they murdered Him and spent centuries hunting down and eradicating the "gnostic heretic" and any who understood the metaphysical Wisdom He gave..

(yes - 3 religions - one false god - fo rthis ione yahweh - after theymurder Christ and its cover is blown there,so to speak - so it goes off to a new nation - presents itself again,under new disguise to a new "chosen" - starts the Islam religon with mohammed - same god - same agenda - dominate - hold subserviant - to acheiove this end - it then sets aboiut a never ending war - one of its own sets of worshippers - ordered to sestroy the other in a ceaseless violent struggle,all inthis "god of loves name......Trickery - deceipt throughout - as Christ said - the blind led the blind,we all fall down...

I said above - He came to eradicate and make obsolete - ALL forms of "institutionalised worship" - He said that no mortal can give you this truth or promise it to you after death for deeds done here in life as reward or punishment - for it is found within you always - already there,right now - a living part of this Primal Sovereign Spirit -regardless of socity station - priest or sinner in Our Fathers sight - all are equal He said..Again,we see,the middleman,priest,church,institution - has become immediatly - obsolete,null,void,useless...the thing we seek,is ours already - cant be given by any other - but of course - it can be "hidden" by them,and th elies and deceipt they offer..

And so the actual truth as He said - simple - everything you have been taught thus far,is lie,error,deceipt He said - come to "hate the parents",despise that tradition totally - shun all organised religion for it leads you astray - they dont know this truth and would not share it even if they could - there is no need of a middleman intermediary - turn away from the religion He said,it is not the god we seek - turn instead,forever inwards (meditate) until we find a "secret silent place within" - into this place,the true Presence shines forth - find it - allow it - follow it always - become it....

A fully inner journey - no priest or middleman - to follow such a thing is to be led away from the truth you seek He warned - the god of tradition is not the one we seek - seek first and always,this Kingdom within - bring it forth here and now,only this can "save" - come to know this Presence within,even before you die the mortal death - for it is eternal truth - and those who have it,do not even die at all...

Wrong god - no priest clergy guru middleman needed.....And so we see - all three religions that follow this god - are not at all what Christ had intended - He came to give us truth of the first religion and this god - and to remove the need for any such institution to ever rise again....were He here again now,have no doubt,the RC church would be trembling it its pulpits and again He would tell the world clearly - you have been misled by a lesser petty spiteful demigod,masquerading as something it is not,claiming authority over you all that it has no rites to claim.....Next time Hes back - for pities sake - lets pay attention to HIM for a change - and try NOT to murder Him out of our own petty fears and ignorance....For those with ears to hear....