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Old 15-02-2015, 04:40 PM
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Smile Lords Prayer (christianity) link with chakras and buddhism

So, I came across an interesting article on describing kuji-in hand seals, which are hand mudras that were used in japan. These are usually accompanied by mantras. The author gave "christan versions" of the mantras as well, probably for christian users who were worried about worshipping the devil if they said the sanskrit/japanese mantras. Im not sure if he realised what was possibly in front of him, but it sparked a thought that i will attempt to express here.

Right? Now, assuming some words may have been lost in translation and time, if we were to describe each prase backwards (as from a chakra point of view it would be easier to understand. In some eastern languages the sentences are often phrased in "reverse". I hope that made sense ):

Deliver us from evil (harm/illness/negativity) This would refer to meditating of the importance of existing and surviving without negative influences. The root chakra. The kuji-in sign is Rin, meant to invoke physical strength.

Lead us not into temptation. To control our emotions, lust and desires. The sacral chakra empowers not only our will and drive for pleasure but also to control those urges. The sign is kyo. To help energy flow within and outside us.

The next one is a full sentence broken into two. As such, it is further switched:
Forgive us our trespasses. We are looking inward to our higher selves/source consciousness to allow us to forgive ourselves. The solar plexus chakra is linked with self acceptance and confidence to be who we are. Toh hand sign enhances harmony with the universe.

As we forgive those who trespass against us. Forgiving each other could be linked to the heart chakra, accepting others as we wish to be accepted, and love. the hand sign is Sha, for healing.

Give us this day our daily bread. Not as obvious, but I take it to mean, provide us with information and knowledge as we are able to process it, nothing more, nothing less. Linked to the throat chakra, communication and understanding, as well as self expression. Kai hand sign raises awareness and helps with inner reflection.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven in wicca it could be "as above, so below". The first realisation that everything physical may have a spiritual side. Like how the physical body has a spirit in a "parallel plane" or crystals may have energies and vibrations on that parallel plane that interacts with our spirit/auras. The third eye chakra. The Jin hand seal, to help with outward reflection.

Thy kingdom come. Welcoming the God/source/great spirit to enter and be channeled into us. The crown chakra. The Retsu hand seal, for altering perception and perceiving energies.

(Our father who art in heaven) hallowed be thy name . I think of it as a reflection or what some circles refer to as the Soul Star chakra, a point outside of the body above the head. The hand sign is Zai, said to aid in manifesting reality.

This could the the bracketed our father part, or simply nothing at all?. It is the state of enlightenment the buddhists know as zen. Returning to the god consciousness. The hand seal is the popular Zen mudra, and there is no chakra for this, as it is all encompassing.

So there's a long (and hopefully interesting if nothing more) read . I hope to hear your ideas on the topic. Perhaps some parts may need refining or adjustments to make more sense, but i think the pattern is too strong to ignore. Please note that this does not "defy" christianity, but rather point out that everyone might have have been preaching the same thing, just using different ways according to time and culture.

The page that sparked this idea is Lesson X (the last one) at I am not allowed to post links as of yet, sorry. You may have noticed that i have changed some mudras to corresponding hand seals, but the focus was mainly to link between the "mantras" and the chakra system, leading up to zen
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