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Old 08-06-2018, 08:34 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Originally Posted by Michelle11
My personal opinion is that we aren't judged for bailing. In fact it is sometimes a possible life potential given the stage we are at with a life lesson. It's never encouraged or wanted but sometimes the odds are stacked against us and our human brain sees no other options to fix our troubles.
The person who commits suicide is not necessarily mentally ill, although they may be temporarily disturbed. Professional people with relatively high educational levels commit suicide more frequently than those with lower educational levels, and men are more successful at suicide than women; largely because men generally use more violent means of taking their lives than women. But the one thing about suicide, as you have mentioned "our human brain sees no other options to fix our troubles," and this is dependent upon whether or not we are able to see any other options given our state of mind.

And that is the point. Suicide itself isn't the issue. Suicide is one solution to a problem we perceive is insurmountable. Some people resort to other solutions like drinking, running away or even homicide. As with any destructive driven solution, after we have committed suicide we can appreciate that it isn't a solution that solves anything and only serves to cause tremendous pain and suffering to our loved ones left behind so on top of regret for giving up we may also feel guilt and shame for hurting others but we aren't ever judged by anyone but ourselves and maybe some humans but never by spirit. It's understood how hard this experience is and no one is ever forced to take on a difficult life nor cast aside if they fail to be able to tolerate it once in it.
A very astute observation. I also embrace that we are not judged by spirit, and while we may be judged by others, it is our own conscience which we have to come to terms with. I had a client once who put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, the bullet went in one side of his head and out the other side, not leaving much damage. This guy was so embarrassed and he felt so humiliated. He felt even more worthless than he did when he attempted suicide; telling me that he couldn't even commit suicide correctly. This was his judgement that he imposed on himself, just like the judgement he made to end his life..

As for the lesson getting harder after one has suicided I suspect that would depend on where the soul is at and what the soul chooses. Lessons get harder in an effort to wake us up. Humans can be very resilient and adaptable and can learn how to live under very harsh circumstances. The status quo is often preferred over the unknown so we can turn a blind eye to our troubles because facing them is scary then living with the pain. Especially if we have learned how to suppress our feelings. So the ante gets upped or better said, we choose to up the ante as a means for drawing out the pain we so deftly learned to control so we can deal with it. But if we are already in a state of abject pain odds are we may not choose a worse life but maybe even one less painful to give us a better shot at sorting our human self out.
So I think what you are saying here is that suicidal ideations, or thoughts of suicide, may be part of a growing process? Suffering can be a great teacher.

The truth is our soul isn't damaged, broken or unevolved. It's only the human perception that misleads us into believing those things and it is the goal of the soul to shift those perceptions so that more of its true nature can be expressed in the human form. But a human brain that is wired for survival can get caught up living in fear and it's a challenge for our soul to break past that bodily instinct. But in the process of realizing it's true nature in the human form we may make unhealthy, unhelpful, unloving choices to fix and/or solve our troubles until we finally see the only real solution is to throw love at it. Life is a process of trial and error. We will fail many times in the process of learning what works by experiencing what doesn't work because we only have an appreciation for what does and doesn't work by experiencing it for ourselves. At least that's my perception of things.

Well said, this is an excellent post. Often what we call a problem is not the problem; often the problem is our perception of the situation and not the situation itself. I do not believe that our deeper being is damaged by us taking our life, although our perception may be skewed. But it is interesting that one often takes their life to escape a situation, not knowing what they are escaping to. There is a perception that death will automatically bring a relief from what they are trying to escape, but thinking the problem/issue is the location ignores that the issue may be more internal than that. The feeling which one probably seeks in taking their life may be similar to the comfort of returning to the womb, a carefree state.

Suicides are on the rise; this week alone in the U.S. we have heard of two prominent public figures who have taken their life. But the biggest increase is among teenagers and the elderly. Celebrity suicides can impact, and influence, those in the general public who are suicidal themselves. An while it appears that most suicides are due to depression, I think we need to start looking at mental illness the same way that we view physical illness, notwithstanding, not all suicides are due to mental illness.
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