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Old 16-09-2017, 05:07 AM
r6r6 r6r6 is offline
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luminaries--- I'm saying that apart from the time in a young woman's life where she is yes biologically driven to have children, a woman can and does pursue deep emotional intimacy, bonding, and authentic love with many if not all her close relationships.

I think there exists a time for both men and women when there is overwhelming desire to have sex. You dont seem to believe that is so.

Both men and women desire a bonding/loving relationship. You dont seem to believe that either.

More specifics on the above later below.

... in that authentic love is unchanging and uncorruptible at core.

I think this belief keeps you from having a broader consideration of what bonding/love is and can be. Too narrow for my tastes.
Authentic love amongst humanity manifests in both intention and action: in actively seeking and actively desiring the highest good of the other(s) equally to the self, and of the self equally to the other.

Spirit-1, metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/conceptual spirit-of-intent.
Ive referenecd this above many times in many threads over the years.

I think the authentic love "info" is located just as the mystics have always the point of singularity that overlays all realms.

I was asking where in the genetic code{ codons } does the gene for bondinglove. Your comment above appears to me as meangingless mystiscism and not an actual location in the body of man and/or woman.

The divine spark by which spirit enters and animates the temple of the body.

Again, meaningless mysticism to me. Not grounded in scientific foundation.
The singularity is said to be metaphysically contiguous or present within the physical heart.

Sorry 7L, more meaningless mystiscism. No scientific basis, that I'm aware of.

More broadly put, it lies at our centres, the core of who we are.

I think I asked Linen about a similar statement. Where is the "centres" "core" located in the human body?

...."r6--A human yawns and another human sees that has an empthetic reaction/response they often time yawn also.
These two are similar situations of empathising. imho
....r6--If we see someone else having sex some people--- men more than women ---will have genetic sexual response some degree of the time."

I believe men are more sexually activated/stimulated via visual images than women. I dont know about audio.

Let's state this another way. Loads of women would feel only revulsion, and/or perhaps embarrassment for the folks on display. I myself would have no response at all other than repulsion at a private act laid bare callously and publicly, and it would not hold my interest for any longer than it took to figure out what I was seeing.

This goes to men being the primary viewers of porn. Again, men sexually stimulated/activated by visuals more than women is my belief.

Are you beginning to get the depth of the difference between most men and most women here?

Mostly over the years Ive focused more on the genetic manifest physical differrences, however, as I stated previously, I belive that men tend to only require a place{ to have sex } women tend to need a place and a reason.

For me this goes back to lab studies that show when asked a series of questions, women brains tend to become more activated in both hemi-spheres than men.

I.e. women have the same sexual desires, but another part of their brain also needs to be satisfied. Men may not get that for the most part, and they will say anything the woman wants to hear, just so they can get on with the getting it on.

Of course if we feel truly loved by a specific individual for our unique souls (and NOT just for our bodies or parts which are common to all),

May relationships are based on compansionship, and/or along with a sexual relationship.

. When a man realises the deepest level of intimacy is the soul level of authentic love -- which absolutely does NOT require sex and often will NOT involve sex -- ONLY THEN is a man truly capable of authentic love in partnership, where sexual intimacy is finally right and desirable for most women.

I'm not aware of any science based studies of regarding a depth of intimacy as correlated to any soul level of authentic love. Again, authentic love is will need to be better clarified/defined to a degree that both men and women can agree upon.

Authentic love is not sex and is not created by sex. Non-sexual bonding is universal and potentially eternal if it is also an authentically loving bond, whether family, beloved friends, neighbours, partners, or whomever.

I dont believe your authentic love refutes sexual relationship. I think authentic love would be all inclusive and all includes a sexual relationship if one of the partners desire that.

If you are talking about sex as equivalent to "bond/love", I think most men AND women would strongly disagree.

Ditto my above. Authentic love is all inclusive i.e. sex is not to considered revulsive, not considered as and intimate part of having a bonding/loving relationship.

The chemical that encourages men to sleep after sex (LOL hahaha) is just that. It is inherited from the animal kingdom as a crude way of handling a barbaric and animalistic level of humanity via a form of sex addiction.

That rarely has ever happen to me. Do you a link to some scientific type{ Ex Johnson and Johnson studies?

But as we can see in the modern world, if we were ever moronic enough to think otherwise for even a moment, we cannot manufacture authentic love through any means, and certainly not through sex or crude chemicals.

Genetics is chemistry. Hormones is chemistry. The sex drive is strong Luke Skywalker and Princess Lela{?}.
The only time a woman may truly appear to reliably seem to crave sex is for deeply emotional reasons tied into her biology.

Ditto my above, and as stated earlier, women have and additional factor. Having an additional factor does not exclude the genetic desire. imho
....most women prefer to seek mates whom they hope or believe love them specifically and (ideally) authentically and absolutely NOT at all just for sex or for various conditional reasons (appearance, type, etc).

Women like to know they are pretty and desired.

Men like to know that they are wanted. Authentically wanted?

Sex is incidental for women in general. Meaning it's potentially or often desired IF loving and committed BUT it's strongly repulsive and disgusting if lacking authentic love and soul resonance, or if coerced (all of which feel more or less the same to most of us). Men really, really need to take that in.

:accompanying but not a major part of something.
  • occurring by chance in connection with something else.

2....liable to happen as a consequence of (an activity)

Again, men sexual desire requires only a place, a womans is both a place and a reason{ emotional etc }

Sex is not on the same level as those other items you mention which are necessary for individual life. Sex is only necessary at the species level.

Sex and compansion is is neccesary for many men and women. imho
Women are simply not burdened by the ongoing drive or requirement of having to have a man in order to shag. Put another way, it's easily, readily, and regularly simply channeled into intimate and loving relationships with ANYone close to us.

That goes back to men being the main market for porn.

And sex without love is so strongly repulsive to a majority of women since it is equivalent spiritually and emotionally to rape, so it is not even remotely enticing for many of us without a deep agape love for us as people and as friends BEFORE any sex.

Equating rape with sex seems incorrect to me. Sorry to hear you feel that way.

All in all, it's simply very liberating and the clarity is pure bliss...and I definitely appreciate this aspect of being a woman.

If you believe that a sexual organsim is not also pure bliss then again, I think your missing the boat of genetic chemistry all humans share.

And only then also in partnership.

There exists partnership whenever two agree to do so. Let none put asunder what God has put together or some such saying like that. Fullers opens one of his most comprehensive book with that quote and address to his wife.

On this one topic perhaps more than almost any other, women are light years apart from most men. But perhaps, if we can meet in the middle in authentic love, it does not have the remain that way for humanity in future.

I agree that men and women have differrences--- light years or a city block ----can be disscussed, but not very scientifically is my best guess.

Peace & blessings
And now I am also winding down!

And to all a good night. r6
"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller

"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman
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