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Old 09-07-2015, 03:55 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Originally Posted by kris
We go where our karma takes us.
What is karma then as an observation? How do you know about karma after you are deceased...what makes the life afterwards karmic, if by human review you only get created by having does this work as karma?

Has humanity simply advised themselves as a whole conscious awareness that the life we live is the life we gave ourselves because by spiritual review we told ourselves that we broke the Law of God?

Would this be the karmic review we all have?

And then there is another observation. If human beings only lived as thousands....where is the karma for the millions. And then what about population expansion to billions? How does this imply a 1 to 1 reincarnation or karmic circumstance?

If the higher spiritual awareness is a complete and loving being...why would a loving being consider to harm or hurt an innocent baby? This itself makes no sense...for I know as a loving human I would never hurt a baby.
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