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Old 02-07-2013, 09:17 AM
Belle Belle is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 8,227
Tobi that's a very good question.

And my answer would be that the journey of the Soul cannot be tampered with.

If you are meant to survive your "plan B" you indeed will. If you are meant to pass via your Plan B or some other way, you will.

Keep your Plan B. I will have mine - in the form of a DNR (Do Not Ressusicate). If my Soul is meant to over-ride a heart-attack, it will, if it isn't - someone will be unaware of my DNR, or my body will over-ride it or something will intervene.

Modern medicine has come on a long way and many of us would have passed a long time ago had it not been for medicine. I feel we have been born into an era where these things are availablel and our Souls know exactly what there is on hand on earth to sustain life.
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