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Old 05-12-2016, 02:08 AM
SerpentSun SerpentSun is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ozarks/Shawnee Hills, United States
Posts: 425
Not that I recommend this (Disclaimer: I'm not FDA approved), but I find certain psychoactive herbs in MODERATION help to hone my senses. All legal plants of course haha. And not so much to induce visions, but to calm my anxiety and hyperactivity so I can better achieve a meditative state. I think meditation might be the answer to everything.

Then again, I've always "seen things". I'm not so sure it's possible to choose JUST to see good spirits. When you open your normal/physical eyes, you can't just choose to look at the pretty flowers and ignore the zombie right in front of you. Seeing is seeing.

But I could be wrong. Either way, stay positive, be thankful, and take it easy. Slow and steady wins the race. Don't neglect your physical form in pursuit of your spiritual self. The brain is the adapter through which the energies of the soul enter the human body. Or something like that.

You need regular exercise, plenty of clean water, a lunar/solar sleep cycle, and a diet that you're designed to eat if you want a healthy body. A healthy body can better support a healthy brain and mind. A healthy mind has the passion, positivity, confidence, empathy, creativity, instinct, and intelligence to realize your full spiritual potential. Trying to see spirits from a state of physical or mental negativity may only lead you into more darkness.
Trigger Warning: I am neither FDA Approved nor USDA Certified. Certain subject matter is prohibited by federal law; I'm a good girl, so please don't publicly discuss such things with me. Privately message me if you'd like to ask personal questions.

My advice may contain words known in the state of California to offend people. Attempt any activities I discuss at your own risk. I ask odd questions and give answers you won't want to hear. Come to me as a last resort.
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