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Old 08-11-2017, 12:26 PM
unicorn68 unicorn68 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 536
Originally Posted by unicorn68
believe you me she knows as well as i do....we have talked quite a bit already...maybe check out my post called stop press....theres quite a bit of subtle humour on there also!!!(and theres another synchronicity lolz).
ok ill add to this.about 20 years ago more maybe i cant remember the year i was driving towards fort william from was the middle of summer,a veritable line of that time i had a montego which was one of these cars that had metric tyres.which meant it was almost impossible to find them at the s******.i was heading to the peninsula oban way.i asked spirit did i need to stop in fort william to try to find a new tyre?the one that was on was beyond bald,there was literally wire i asked the question a golden eagle floated down and proceeded to fly with me for probably 5 miles.right with me.about 10 feet away.right above me.message was nah no need to stop ill look after you.and dont forget we are talking bumper to bumper traffic.divine timing.....
lol i gotta laugh at this one.the words that got asterisked out were *rappy.i.e. scrap yard....not sure where the swearing was....incidentally lorelyn i have a slightly different take on the word synchronicity.i dont see it as 2 separate things,rather something that occurs which makes no sense and cannot be necessarily rationally coincidence beyond coincidence kinda thing.even though the rational mind could say ye its possible,but the probabilities are infinitessimaly small.gods plan if you will.and when you extrapolate that idea and come to the realisation that EVERYTHING is synchronicity,even the things that are normal and can easily be explained,then you come to the understanding that divine timing and 'god's will are absolutely happening....kinda this 5d thinking is really amazing....
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