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Old 11-12-2019, 03:01 AM
Dustin Dustin is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
Now obviously one can imagine that even all the changes in nature are 'guided' but if that actually happens than it is incredibly random and meaningless to the point where 'guidance' and design become irrelevant and are unnecessary for explaining phenomena.

all changes in nature are guided by the basic priciples of physics and chemistry which as I stated works in a mind is matter, matter is mind model of reality. Also I think your imagining something entirely different than I am when we're talking about design. I talked about consciousness being animate then becoming inanimate then becoming animate once again. Inanimate has no ability to guide/design/or cause a change, other than field over lap or injestion or what not; by field over lap I mean that inanimate massive bodies create gravitational fields which effect things which pass into those fields. At both of the animate points, before (which is a spacetime, dimensional, reference and may in all moments still exist and in accordance to physics would be able to incure change in that at the moment prior to the Big Bang physical laws break down to a point that physics well say that pretty much anything could be possible) the creation of the universe and in the current moment in which orgainisms have evolved to a point of higher awareness, a change I believe would be possible.
[color="Green"][size="1"]Offspring The Meaning of Life:
By the way - I know your path has been tried and so - It may seem like the way to go - Me, I'd rather be found - Trying something new - I gotta go find my own way - I gotta go make my own mistakes - Sorry for feeling, feeling the way I do
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