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Old 18-06-2011, 08:28 PM
Jeff4freedom Jeff4freedom is offline
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One is the astral body going out... (projection)

The other it is going within (travel)

In Projection the ego is still collecting it's description of itself.

In travel it is relinquishing that description

I guess the easiest most concise thing to say is that
(in my definition based upon upon my personal experiences)..
Astral Travel is the process we call DEATH.....
only short of cutting the Silver Cord.

Astral travel has a very defined direction, (when done correctly)
Well actually you can diddle and daddle out there,
but that's where the dangers to a soul on return to Source Lie....
And I just imagined that any folks who are evolved enough to do it....
understand that risk,
and so avoid it...
and anyway generally at that point of evolution we're usually guided in the endeavor....
(thank God...or I'd still be lost in one pretty freakin weird Hell realm) he he..

Whereas astral projection, still being part of the ego's collection stage.... is basically a free for all...

And I imagine, just as we plotted the Journey of Death....
I imagine someone has plotted the Journey of collection...of projection.
It's just so far back in my history,
and on the opposite turn of the wheel for me,
it's no longer a real part of any memory I have.

So probably some of you folks here who are doing the projection....
are also following a set of rules....
as one could be laid down to facilitate your egos growth to Culmination....
making it's way .... a Spiritual path.

I see so much persecution in folks, especially in the "Spiritual Community" against the whole idea of EGO.
When the Truth is 90% of the population is operating from that perspective.....
AND every single one of HAS .

So the "Spiritual folks" tend to think of Ego as an enemy.....
as counter Spiritual.

But they must realize until a Soul culminates it's egos unique expression
(the whole purpose of Life)....

And Returns on the Path back to from where it came...
The ego's collection of material with witch to clothe and define itself...
Is a Spiritual Path....

It just doesn't work for the folks who have already culminated their ego's expression.

So it's important to know where you stand on the evolutionary scale.....
and part of the problem a lot of folks have with this is that we have been programmed down
to our DNA level
(Thank you organized religion)
To believe that all our ego's tendencies are "BAD"
so we don't want to admit to any of them.... he he

You can't help when your soul was born.
How old it is determines where you are on the wheel of evolution.
If you are still on the first turn
collecting that unique sacred expression that will be your contribution to God's completion
You are just as sacred
and your path is just as Sacred
As those who have Completed their unique separate expression.
and are returning to Source...
(I realize it's all circular and at the very point that our soul is born
and embarks on it's mission to define itself.....
Even as we are walking away so to speak,
from our Source
We are Returning to Source
It's circular
AND the whole point of the THING is
that we collect and define our unique position
in the Web of IT ALL.

So spiritual folks, let's not be dissing those still motivated by ego
because the fact is....
we aint all free of that yet.

So to put it right down and into a clear concise thing.

Astral Projection is motivated by that stage of the Soul....
we call EGO

Whereas that stage of the Ego, we call Soul
motivates soul travel.

Neither is Right
Both are right in their place...

For one operating from ego
soul travel may not be possible
and would definitely be dangerous

For one operating from their soul
astral Projection
Is a waste of time
and astral travel
is a tool...

It all depends on where you are on the Wheel...
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