Thread: Money and Love
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Old 13-05-2018, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Hypno
Love and money are often talked about together, placed as opposites. Since long before the Beatles first sang, “Can’t buy me love” people have been saying that money cannot purchase either love or happiness.

While it is certainly true that money alone will never make someone fall in love or guarantee happiness. Having money in a relationship does not hurt a relationship, or hurt your happiness.

The flip side is true too. Lack of money, being broke, and constant worry over how to pay the bills does indeed put significant stress on both relationships and happiness. Lack of money can easily end both.

So money can’ buy love or happiness. But it doesn’t hurt it.

I'm sure this affects the wealthy as well - those bankers who rely on their casino-like gambles; shareholders who watch the markets with trepidation. The happiness they've been able to buy could vaporise quite suddenly.

Money is just a convenient way of trading your labour. Gives you choice on how you survive spending it.

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