Thread: Pluto
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Old 15-05-2020, 05:41 PM
lyzth lyzth is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 520
Pluto is now aligned with Jupiter in the 6th (Virgo) house, but what occupies this house is Capricorn instead. So, Jupiter intensifies the meaning of destructive change that is going on in the health and cleanliness house. In meantime, Mars goes to Pisces, and Saturn (luckily?) leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. Finally, Chiron aligns Lilith in the 8th house (subtle Scorpios'), but what is in the 8th house is Aries. The beginning of learning on how to deal with such intense issues as abandonment and devaluation in the middle of such health devastation. I do not know about others, but this is felt like a heavy heavy time... Have anyone ever felt like time is not running, or has stopped, or declined to exist - if ever did?
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