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Old 02-05-2013, 11:59 AM
fire fire is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 565
Originally Posted by Residue
I am love
Yes. But as I clarified in my opening post, this is my chosen label for the universe, god, source, to specify a certain frequency and understanding.

Originally Posted by Residue
Plus they say to give is better than to receive.

Oh, the things they tell you. Sometimes it's better to just shut them off and allow your own heart to be your guide !

They way I see this, it's a misconception and judgemental attitude against what people term selfishness. They have got it mixed up with the concept of greed, probably through self-sacrificing attitudes taught in various religions, brainwashing people to believe they are servants of their god (reflecting the powers in charge of a civilisation) and need to follow his will to be accepted in heaven, or forever suffer and burn in hell.

It's kinda plain to see how this can be used for manipulation and then be associated with greed by victims of deprivation, observing examples like Robin Hood. The powers claim unreasonable taxes and fees, making people angry and thus associate the act of receiving effortless abundance as a bad thing. It's an ancient pattern and is likely deeply ingrained into the unified consciousness field, now exposed for those who may want to be aware of that.

The point is, you did not come forth here to be in service of others, but to stand up for yourself and be selfish enough to allow yourself to become aligned with who you really are through your own self-fulfilmemt. This needn't by any means be associated with greed; nor other people's misguided opinions.

When one allows oneself to love oneself enough to nurture one's desires and dreams unconditionally, you bring yourself into alignment with source. And as your vibration merges as such, the universe will begin to manifest everything that you ever have asked for, from its vibrational reality as source into your physical life experience.

You then set an example for others how they can achieve the same way of living for their own fulfilment. And now they don't really have any excuse to pinch themselves or anyone else out of their alignment to deprive them of what is rightfully theirs, because life will begin to automatically provide for them everything that one has asked for, as soon as they manage to let go of the needs for things to be certain ways, and just allow one's inner alignment with source to bring forth one's fulfilment.

You have so much more to give to the world when you allow yourself that level of selfishness and self-nurturing, than a thousand people who deprive themselves of it by focusing on everything they think is wrong in this world, you see.
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