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Old 05-03-2006, 02:57 PM
Posts: n/a

...I know I just joined, and dont mean to crash the thread party but wanted to add my little bit here :P:)

I agree with the soul group, soulmate, and twinflame views mentioned above. When I started my path i was bombarded with intense past lives which showed me a life with a group of 7 souls including myself, through our youth right till our death. I thought my Husband from that life would be my love in this one, By the tme I reached uni, I met him and realised it wasn't to be this life, and at the same time was given more memories of a life with my Twinflame. Later on I realsied that I will not meet my twinflame in the flesh this life as he is acting as my spiritual teacher on the astral. My love for him is infinate, yet i realise I have to allow my spirit to grow and meet other kindred/souls from my soul group. My partner who I am with now, I believe is a soulmate from this group, and my old friend from school is apart of that group as well as the one in the first lives I was shown....(though he tried to kill me in the last one.......good to know we are good friends n this one)

ummm Im babbling a bit sorry. My point was that through my own experiences I can fully agree with the views mentioned.

I believe next incarnation I will have another life with my twinflame be it in the human incarnation or the hgiher realms again. Though I still love my current partner with all my love and all my spirit. He does not wish to believe in the ideas of twinflames, though he accepts soulmates and soul groups.

well.........thas my two bits. :)

