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Old 02-05-2013, 11:01 PM
Simon_Templar Simon_Templar is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ireland
Posts: 295
On another level I had a vision as a child when reading the bible. a children's bible. Now when I got to the end of the stories about Jesus I saw, as though a part of the print, a picture of New Jerusalem (tho that is more often acquainted with Rev.) with the Messiah there and all the Hebrew people. The Messiah was Jesus but he wasn't god like my catholic grammar, instead the actual Yahweh god was there, permanently, in a cloud. This was before I had read Rev. or had knowledge (indeed contrary to the jesusisgodmsg). I came to have further reason to believe in this Messianic Jewish msg, tho that reality of belief was unknown to me until now. My own personal belief is that Jesus is the Messiah for all humanity because as the Holy Ghost incarnation he accepts everyone and as the Angel of Death brings Allah to all. And how can we not be Hebrew Witnesses since the Holocaust. On a side note, the vision and "words" were placed carefully at the end of the stories, in the style of the real thing. Soooooo .... A Templar, well we defend and protect the Holy Sepulchre, Brothers and Sisters in Christ all of us.
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