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Old 13-09-2018, 04:03 AM
Empowers Empowers is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 234
Fats are a good source of nutrition that make you feel full. Of course, you need the right kinds of fats.

You might want to look into a keto diet. But be wary because like all things that someone mentions, it has become a fad on the internet. If you truly cannot eat most any carbs, a doctor can help you feed your brain through a true keto diet. It has been used to cure severe epilepsy but it is a commitment. It had no carbs at all, that I am aware of. I think it's 60% fat.

If you don't want to be that drastic, try adding medium chain fatty acids like coconut oil (unprocessed). Coconut floor and almond flour is what we use around here and I make crepes, breads, I learned all that cooking from elanas pantry on the internet. She's got an insane amount of Paleo recipes.
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