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Old 10-11-2017, 06:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by revolver
I am so happy since I gave up all beliefs, that is in Jesus, or whoever, I have spiritually matured and no longer need all these god-men. They were once helpful in my life, but as i have already said, I have matured, I have given up childish things.

Happiness is the function of your consciousness when it is awake, unhappiness is the function of your consciousness when it is asleep. Unconsciousness is your mirror burdened with much dust and luggage and the past. Osho


I liked your posting. What seems obvious to me(though not specifically mentioned by you) is the idea of surrender as in the sense of giving something up. First and foremost would be the ego to the extent that is possible. To expand this for understanding we might say attachments of which there is a plethora. At the top I would suggest negative emotions(hate, anger, revenge, self-pity etc.). Surrender in its initial stages can be expedited by personages.....i.e. psychiatrists, counselors, Jesus. Basically they encourage one to unload burdens by openness etc.

At a given stage of maturity as you mentioned it is possible to surrender your dependency on these personages because you have learned that the source of your own unhappiness is basically either your attachment to ego or just simply attachments in general. I would be cautious as terming any of these that helped(Jesus, gurus, etc.) as childish things. In reality our attachments etc. were the childish things. That mirror that Osho spoke of with the dust, luggage, and the past is another way of describing the things that I spoke of(attachments, ego).
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