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Old 31-05-2015, 02:32 AM
birds birds is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 336

I certainly don't believe in that "spare the rod, spoiled the child". I believe hitting only teaches to hit when one doesn't like something. I can understand tapping a toddler's hand and saying "no, no, that's hot", for instance, but they are generally yet too young to understand reasoning.

I would never disrespect the Bible and it's teachings. I though have noticed a few contradictions, well maybe interpretations, within it. I've always seen it as more of a guide than an exact way to live life.

I agree that children that are abused may turn into abusers. It isn't always about sex but any kind of power/empowerment. Hopefully most will realize they don't want others to experience the pain they have but many are too young to understand their feelings. Adults though should seek help instead of acting on their feelings; they know better.
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