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Old 05-10-2016, 03:48 PM
firstandlast firstandlast is offline
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Originally Posted by DreamKey
The body appears to the same consciousness that permeates the creation appearing, and so it would point closer to say consciousness or oneness itself is in a simulation of separation.

As far as the beliefs of loved ones retaining their individuality, that retaining happens in the human experiential framework. The framework is composed of two ideas, time and space. 'You', as consciousness, are not in those ideas.

Could it possibly be, by realizing our oneness inherent to the origin of ourselves being born into it, of it, from it; that by knowing our own unity that the process is not a simulation, but the direct realization of looking in upon ourselves, and realizing we are one.. not in a manner of observing some sort of fact of our own existence; but that by observing us as one we could begin to see every one.. because that one, is not just one.. but one in truth--

What changes the degree of truth.. well we are one? points to some transcendent aspect of existence that is like fish waking up to water.. and than the fish realizing it was water and then the water realizing it was the fish-- If I realized we were all one, than I might of come up with the same kind of agenda often brought into this world (repeatedly in a fervor) where our ideas of love and what matters in realizing our oneness tends to occur--

Or can we look into a deeper degree.. if I say we are one, is that an all pervading truth? if you think in terms of an all pervading force running through us.. sure-- But how can the truth become more true? can it be? well things can appear to us more true than they later appear.. and this is the usual way-- But what if we took a single realization to its extreme, that the one realized is everyone, and that the transcendent one is merely structure of identity for us; though we begin to think we have moved passed that thinking there are formless things, when simply you have yet to recognize its form-- And what is its form? it is one thing, that infinitely as one whole expressed itself into the many wholes that do not feel whole with the hole because nothing is moving in a way where our identity is dependable--

As long as someone thinks there is no identity to be had, that they might not be thinking how we may not be able to understand reality until we understand ourselves.. and that realization would appear to be a realization of the no-self; but whom finds themselves in an order of being where no one is acting in accordance with our whole self; that whole self whom unless reveals itself in a way we recognize.. cannot be recognized as the way it is... and that the way it is, is that as long as our whole self cannot act whole.. that the whole self, of that whole we all are cannot reveal its uninhibited nature to us-- Which I think is an important point, because as people change into higher quality choices of alignment.. that the effects of it upon the spiritual kingdom and the human kingdom.. is to allow us to recognize our greater aspects as we allow those greater aspects to be expressed; so that the one whom thinks it is two, may become two whom think it is one; might find revelation in a 4th emergence where the three that are the one that is the 2, we begin to find that the 2 become the same one it was, in a way that chooses to experience the same thing differently--

I think choice is far important to understanding this, because if someone is trying to find out how we are separated; that they might peek over the wall and know their neighbors.. who are as themselves decided to be so just as each one has-- But that we obscured this by hiding our unified will, in the variety of forms that obscured the common links, which is every link and that is the most common link.. the most repeating pattern is the most influential; or that we might witness not influence; but that the forces governing our existence and diminishing the quality of will is what happens when every aspect of your being hasn't been brought into conscious accord-- And again, the one realized will not be experienced by itself as conscious accord, until the ones that make the one up are relating to each other by the first choice in their heart, which is a heart who's core essence is to move the one that it is, in accordance with the ones it is among, by realizing the one of all.. that is hidden by all of one.. but we count farther than there is.. one.. two.. doh!

If your mind is arranged in a manner where every move is connected to one view which unveils one path, which is not a path; but a will who's choice in line with its intentions in "formless" realms; works with every force behind it, but maybe not every force plays the same role, and moves in ways in which correlation is not causation, but relation of the intentions who appearing as multiple causes, do not appear to correlate in the whole scheme-- leaving people to feel that reality is doing something other than what they desire, by experiencing thoughts of what they desire that follows form to direct the same desire to be a different form at every point in existence.. and that each one of these desires may appear small, vain, and selfish to expect; are like the pixel of a screen.. who as each person see's a simple flashing color and light guiding them; that the collective screen tells us something that we could not see; seeing the same thing as our own life and only our own life--
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