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Old 22-02-2013, 04:44 PM
miss_believed miss_believed is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 977
Originally Posted by Andromeda27
TF and I have been talking almost daily for the past month. Often we just talk about nothing really, but we enjoy each others conversation. Sometimes we talk about us, and sometimes things just get really deep and we talk about our deepest feelings and thoughts.

With all of this and learning more about him and what he did and what he felt and thought while we have been apart (8 years) it has become SO incredibly clear that a separation was absolutely necessary. We would have destroyed each other if we were together. If we even tried to come together a year ago it would be have been a disaster. Knowing what my frame of mind was like and where he was at, we would have never been able to get on the same page and truly understand each other.

It has made me realize that there is without a doubt a plan, and if the universe is keeping you apart, it's for a REASON. How many times I had thought how much I wanted to be with him and how I was sure we were ready and it would work, I can now see how very wrong I was. We both had things to learn and experience and overcome that didn't include each other.

We are not together now, we just talk and are becoming closer than ever before. However seeing how things have been played out up to this point it's making it much easier to understand that it's still not quite time yet.

Have a little trust in the universe. You are exactly where you need to be.

So can you explain what goes on both sides? How the two of you felt did you feel the same pull / the same wanting to be together or one of you felt it at different times? This is truly Interesting
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