Thread: Negativity
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Old 12-06-2014, 09:44 PM
Posts: n/a
To feel is always a good thing. If you feel negative feelings, then it's worth looking at what those feelings stem from.

It may be that there is something external in your life to change.

It may be that there is a way of thinking, or your approach to life would benefit from change.

It may be that emotions from the past need a release to enable you to look at life in a new way.

If you listen to what negative feelings are trying to show you, they can be that light of guidance, highlighting where you can change your life around.

Negative emotions are actually alien to the human body and the body has no defense against the damages these can cause. They can cause psychological disorders such as psychosis, they cause stress/anxiety, which can wreak havoc on the immune systems and nervous systems.

I have studied the anatomy of the stress response, and what you say here is factually inaccurate. The stress response is completely natural and the body produces specific hormones to create it. The body is also adapted to return to normal, completely unaffected by the changes it undergoes during stress.

What the body is not adapted for, is long term stress. When stress is on-going and the body doesn't have chance to return to homeostasis, then it causes problems.
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